Alaska Outer Continental Shelf Permits | Region 10 | US EPA

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Alaska Outer Continental Shelf Permits

What is the Outer Continental Shelf?

The Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) refers to federal submerged lands that lie seaward of the states' jurisdiction (generally three nautical miles from the shoreline).

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Public Participation Resources

Water Permits
On October 29, 2012, EPA issued the final Beaufort and Chukchi general permits for wastewater discharges from oil and gas exploration on the Beaufort Sea outer continental shelf and contiguous state waters and on the Chukchi Sea outer continental shelf.

Air Permits
Current and closed air permit applications for Arctic oil and gas exploration:

Tribal Consultation
In addition to the public participation process, EPA is required to offer federally-recognized Indian tribes the opportunity to consult with EPA on permitting decisions that could impact their resources. This government-to-government consultation may occur before or during the public participation process.

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