Sachin Katti
Professor, EE & CS, Stanford University
Co-Chair, ORAN Alliance
Email: skatti at stanford dot edu
Google Scholar Profile
Recent News
Check out our MLSys paper on debugging edge AI
Uhana, our startup commericalizing our research on bringing real-time AI to mobile networks was acquired by VMware. Check out the VMware RIC platform
which is based on Uhana technology.
Check out our work on cloud robotics
Research Projects
ML-EXray: Delivering visbility and operational automation for ML at the edge.
SoftRAN: Rearchitecting wireless infrastructure to be virtualizable and shareable.
Sigcomm 12,
HotSDN 13,
CoNEXT 13,
NSDI 15,
Full Duplex: Redesigning wireless networks with radios that simultaneously transmit and receive.
Mobicom 10,
Mobicom 11,
Sigcomm 12,
Sigcomm 13,
NSDI 14,
Datacenter Transport & Storage: minimalistic, near-optimal data center transport and fabric.
Sigcomm 13,
Usenix ATC 13,
NSDI 16,
Backscatter Communication & Imaging: using wireless signal backscatter to communicate and image.
NSDI 13,
SenSys 16
Rateless Networking: Feedback-less wireless network design for data and video.
Sigcomm 11,
Mobicom 11,
Mobicom 12
Selected Papers since 2010
Find my updated and entire set of papers here: Google Scholar Profile
CVPR 2017, Position Tracking for Virtual Reality Using Commodity WiFi — [pdf]
ACM SIGCOMM 2016, NUMFabric: Fast and Flexible Bandwidth Allocation — [pdf]
ACM SIGCOMM 2016, Neutral Net Neutrality — [pdf]
ACM SIGCOMM 2016, Programmable Packet Scheduling — [pdf]
ACM MOBICOM 2016, QuickC: Practical, Low-Latency Transport for LTE Small Cells — [pdf] Best Paper Award
ACM SenSys 2016, HitchHike: Practical Backscatter using Commodity WiFi — [pdf] Best Paper Award Nominee
USENIX NSDI 2016, CliffHanger: Scaling Performance Cliffs in Web Memory Caches — [pdf]
ACM SIGCOMM 2015, SpotFi: Decimeter Level Localization using WiFi — [pdf]
ACM SIGCOMM 2015, BackFi: High Throughput WiFi Backscatter — [pdf]
USENIX NSDI 2015, WiDeo: Fine Grained Device-Free Motion Tracing using RF Backscatter — [pdf]
USENIX NSDI 2015, Atomix: A Framework for Deploying Signal Processing Applications in Wireless Infrastructure — [pdf]
ACM SIGCOMM 2014, FastForward: Fast and Constructive Full Duplex Relays — [pdf]
USENIX NSDI 2014, Full Duplex MIMO Radios — [pdf]
ACM SIGCOMM 2013, Full Duplex Radios — [pdf]
ACM SIGCOMM 2013, pFabric: Minimal Near-Optimal Datacenter Transport — [pdf]
USENIX NSDI 2013, PinPoint: Localizing Interfering Radios — [pdf]
ACM SIGCOMM 2012, Picasso: Flexible RF and Spectrum Virtualization — [pdf]
Best Student Paper Award
ACM SIGCOMM 2012, FlashBack: Decoupled Lightweight Wireless Control —[pdf]
ACM MOBICOM 2012, AutoMAC: Rateless, Concurrent Medium Access — [pdf]
ACM SIGCOMM 2011, Strider: Automatic Rate Adaptation and Collision Handling— [pdf]
ACM SIGCOMM 2011, DOF: A Local Wireless Information Plane— [pdf]
ACM MOBICOM 2011, FlexCast: Graceful Wireless Video Streaming [pdf]
ACM MOBICOM 2011, Practical Real-Time Full Duplex Wireless — [pdf]
ACM MOBICOM 2010, Achieving Single Channel, Full Duplex Wireless Communication — [paper pdf] [talk ppt]
Best Demo Award.
PhD Students and Postdocs
Jenya Pergament
Serhat Arslan
Pete Warden
Sundarajan Renganathan
Ali Abedi
Graduated Students and Postdocs
Colleen Josephson: backscatter and soil moisture sensing
Pan Hu: low power IoT
Kanthi Nagaraj: flexible transport for datacenters and wide area networks
Manikanta Kotaru: backscatter & imaging (Stanford Graduate Fellow)
Eyal Cidon: programming network functions
Assaf Eisenman: optimizing web scale storage and caching
Pengyu Zhang (postdoc): IoT
Manu Bansal (PhD 2017, Uhana)
Rakesh Misra: interference management (PhD 2016, Uhana)
Aaron Schulman (postdoc 2013-2016, Assistant Professor, UCSD CSE)
Aditya Gudipati (PhD 2015, Uhana)
Kiran Joshi (PhD 2015, founder of Totemic Labs)
Dinesh Bharadia (PhD 2015, Assistant Professor, UCSD)
Mohammad Alizadeh (PhD 2013, Assistant Professor at MIT)
Steven Hong (PhD 2012, co-founder of Kumu Networks →
Partner at Kleiner Perkins)
Asaf Cidon (PhD 2014, co-founder and CEO of Sookasa)
Tomer London (PhD student, on leave, co-founder of Gusto)
2021: SIGMOBILE Test of Time Award
2015: IIT Bombay Young Alumnus Award
2014: CNBC Top 50 Most Disruptive Companies/Technologies of 2014
2013: ACM Sigcomm Rising Star Award
2013: Best Student Paper, USENIX ATC 2013
2013: Sloan Fellowship
2012: ACM SIGCOMM 2012 Best Student Paper
2012: NSF Career Award
2011: Okawa Foundation Fellowship
2011: Best Paper Award, ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Home Networking
2010: Terman, Hoover and Packard Junior Faculty Fellowships, Stanford University
2010: Best Demonstration Award, ACM MOBICOM 2010
2009: ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award, Honorable Mention
2009: George Sprowls Award for Best Dissertation in CS, MIT
2009: IEEE William Bennett Prize
2007: MIT Deshpande Center Innovation Grant
1999: National Talent Search Scholar, India