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Clare Water Supply Site

Site Information
Contact Information

Community Involvement Coordinator
Cheryl Allen (allen.cheryl@epa.gov)
312-353-6196 or 800-621-8431, ext. 36196

Remedial Project Manager
Nabil Fayoumi (fayoumi.nabil@epa.gov)
312-886-6840 or 800-621-8431, ext. 66840


(where to view written records)

Pere Marquette District Libray
185 E. Fourth St.
Clare, MI


The Clare Water Supply site covers most of downtown Clare, Michigan and includes the city's Municipal Wellfield.  Two of the four municipal wells are contaminated chronically with low levels of chlorinated hydrocarbons such as trichloroethene and intermittently by hydrocarbons such as benzene. The aquifer serving the municipal wells became contaminated by multiple sources that came from an adjacent industrial park. The facilities in this area, located just northwest of the wellfield, released contaminants from leaking underground storage tanks, above ground waste piles, sludge lagoons that spilled over during rains to surface water that recharged the wellfield, and from vapor degreasers that leaked through floor drains inside of one of the facilities.

The PRPs commenced Phase I of the Remedial Action (RA) in July 1996.  Thus the PRPs installed the groundwater collection and treatment system. Phase II of the RA which involves contaminated soils at the site was constructed and began operating in March 1999. The soils are being treated in a treatment cell using dual-phase vacuum extraction.

This remedy will operate until the cleanup goals and performance standards are met.

Another source of chlorinated hydrocarbons was discovered to be present in groundwater at depths greater than 35 feet very near one of the municipal wells in fall 1997. This source has been treated by in-situ ozonation and contaminant levels have decreased.  Additional hot spots have arisen in the groundwater near the same area, and the PRP has installed some additional ozone sparge wells in mid-May 2002.   Statistical analysis of this plume shows that the ozone sparging has stopped the advance of the plume and caused it to retreat somewhat. 

An enhancement was made to the remedy in 2004; a permeable reactive barrier (PRB) wall on the Mitchell facility.  The PRB intercepts contaminated groundwater moving away from the Mitchell facility. 

In addition, a new municipal well was installed in September 2006. 

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Site Updates

March 2011

EPA is currently performing a status review of the site’s cleanup. This type of review is required at least every five years where the cleanup is complete but hazardous waste remains managed on-site. These reviews are done to ensure that the cleanup continues to protect people and the environment. Contact the site community involvement coordinator and/or the remedial project manager to provide input on the review process.
The review will include:

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