The 2017 BeWell Program

An employee incentive program that encourages Stanford employees and their families to live a healthy lifestyle.

About the Program



BeWell encourages benefits-eligible employees and their spouses/registered domestic partners to adopt (or maintain) healthy lifestyle behaviors. By committing to health and wellness, employees not only feel better, but also earn rewards! In 2017, benefits-eligible employees can earn up to $580 in a taxable incentive for completing the Stanford Health and Lifestyle Assessment (SHALA) and the following activities by November 30:

1. Wellness Profile ($200-480)*

This 4-part program includes screening, advising, online plan (Parts 1-3) and engagement activities (Part 4).

2. Six Berries ($100)

Berries are health-related activities that help employees put wellness goals into action. Choose from a variety of Berry options, including exercise classes, fitness assessments, workshops and more;


Healthy Work Environment ($100)

Join your coworkers and create a customized program that fits the needs of your work group.

Your Spouse or Partner Can Benefit, Too!

A spouse or registered domestic partner of a BeWell participant may earn a $240 taxable incentive if he or she completes the SHALA and Parts 1-3 of the Wellness Profile (screening, advising and plan), agrees to share program data and is enrolled in the Stanford employee’s medical plan at the time of payout (Feb. 2018). A spouse/registered domestic partner is only eligible to receive that incentive if the Stanford employee completes Parts 1-4 of the Wellness Profile by required program deadlines. (The Stanford employee must also be enrolled in medical benefits through the university up through the Feb. 2018 incentive payout time.)

* In order to receive the maximum incentive, an employee must be enrolled in medical benefits through the university up through the time of payout (Feb. 2018) and agree to share program data. An employee choosing not to share program data nor enroll in a university-provided medical plan is still eligible to receive a $200 taxable incentive for completing Parts 1-3 of the Wellness Profile, payable two pay periods upon completion.


Incentives & Perks


INCENTIVES Employee enrolled in medical benefits through
the university
Employee not enrolled in medical benefits through
the university
Spouse/Partner enrolled in Employee’s medical benefits through
the university

1. Screening

2. Advising

3. Plan

$200 $200 $2402
4. Engagement $2801 $0 $0
Berries OR Healthy Work Environment $100 $100 $0
MAX INCENTIVE $580 $300 $240


1 Only payable if employee is enrolled in medical benefits through the university at time of payout.
2 Spouses/partners do not qualify for this incentive unless employee completes all 4 steps. Spouses/partners not enrolled in medical benefits through the university do not receive incentives. Employee and spouse must both be enrolled in medical benefits through the university at time of payout to receive this incentive.


Program Perks

In addition the BeWell Programs financial incentives, we also offer a variety of program Perks that range from sports tickets and personal training sessions to wellness lectures and discounted gym memberships. To check out all the great Perks offered by BeWell, visit the link below.


Incentive Calculator



How it Works



Your BeWell program is flexible and easily customizable to meet your goals. Choose the participation level that works for you and use the calculator below to determine your incentive.

Your journey begins with the SHALA.


The Stanford Health and Lifestyle Assessment (SHALA) is a 30-minute online questionnaire that helps you understand your lifestyle’s impact on your health. Take your SHALA any time on or after January 2. After completing the SHALA, benefits-eligible employees get discounted fitness classes, become eligible to participate in Berries and other great perks. After completing the SHALA, both benefits-eligible employees and their spouses or registered domestic partners are able to move on to the Wellness Profile.

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Ready to get started?


Healthy Work Environment (HWE)

Healthy Work Environment (HWE) is a customized program that you and your co-workers design to meet your team’s wellness needs. BeWell offers ongoing support and guidance to ensure your team is successful. You can start your own group or join an existing group. SHALA is not required to participate in HWE.

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Ready to get started?


Wellness Profile

After you complete your SHALA, you may start the Wellness Profile, which is composed of four parts:

1. Screening: BeWell’s trained staff provides free, one-on-one health screenings on campus; or, you can have your screening done at your doctor’s office.

2. Advising: Your free, one-on-one Advising session with a BeWell Coach supports your goals. On-campus Advising immediately follows your Screening, or — if you have Screening results from your doctor’s office — you may schedule either a phone or in-person advising appointment.

3. Plan: Your 5-question online planning tool to identify your wellness goals and outline strategies for achieving them.
(Complete the plan online for a partial financial incentive by November 30; or, if you completed Parts 1 and 2 by October 31, are an employee, and you receive your medical benefits from Stanford and have agreed to share data, you may go on to Part 4 to qualify for a full financial incentive.)

4. Engagement: Engage with a BeWell Coach to check in and continue the conversation you started during your Advising session — or address something new. Then, take action on your goals and finish by writing a brief Reflection. (Part 4 is for employees only.)

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Ready to get started?



Berries are health-related activities that help employees put their wellness goals into action. Spouses/partners of employees are not eligible to participate.

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Ready to get started?


See the summary of Important Program Deadlines.

Incentive Calculator


Have questions? See the Incentives FAQs

What’s New in 2017



Earning Berries is easier than ever!
New this year:

  • No wellness category requirement — you can select your Berries from any one or from a combination of wellness categories.
  • You can earn two Berries for your two free, annual personal training sessions.