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Process Improvement Basics: The Lego Workshop

Colorful children's blocks assembled in a shape
September 20, 2017 -
9:00am to 12:30pm
Y2E2, Room 101
$100, STAP fund eligible

Do you desire to be more efficient with the processes you are responsible for, but don’t know where or how to start? If you are motivated to improving your work process, this workshop is for you!

Facilitated by internal Business Process and Metrics Analysis expertise, this stand-alone workshop is designed as an introduction to process improvement through a fun hands-on Lego activity. You will acquire an overview of a proven Stanford process improvement approach and will become familiar with key tools to improving processes you encounter on a daily basis. In addition, this workshop will enable you to experience the end-to-end approach and gain experience using key process tools to help identify areas of opportunity.

Both individuals and/or work groups are welcome to join!

Event Type: 
Seminar/Workshop, Course
Event Categories: 
Professional Development, Learn & Grow
Event Audience: 