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Bachelors of Science Program

Undergraduates may pursue a preapproved Individually-Designed Major (IDM). The degree conferred is Bachelor of Science with an Individually Designed Major in Engineering: Atmosphere/Energy.

The Atmosphere/Energy (A/E) undergraduate major provides a curriculum that prepares undergraduates for a master's degree program of the same name as well as careers in industry, research, consulting, government, non-governmental organizations and academia. The A/E degree is NOT an ABET-accredited degree. ABET accreditation is advantageous for entering certain specific design-oriented engineering fields, but our experience has been that the major job opportunities for students with an A/E degree do not require an accredited undergraduate degree.

A/E students take classes in both Atmosphere and Energy as well as classes that integrate the two fields. The curriculum is flexible in that students interested more in Energy or more in Atmosphere can take most of their Engineering Depth classes in their area of choice. Similarly, students desiring to focus more on technology or more on science can select the appropriate Depth classes to suit their interests.
Students may also take courses in A/E to fulfill the requirements for a minor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

Requirements for the major are listed below for convenience and are provided in the Handbook for Undergraduate Engineering Programs.

Suggested Course Concentration and Sequences

Subject to the requirements outlined above, students have flexibility in selecting their depth electives and other courses to best suit their interests. On the following pages, two suggested programs are outlined, one with an emphasis on energy and the other on atmospheric studies. Either approach provides the necessary preparation for the master’s degree program in Atmosphere/Energy.

Instructions for Declaring Major in Engineering: Atmosphere/Energy (ENGR-BS)

  • Enter your major declaration for Atmosphere/Energy in Axess. Select ENGR-BS as your major and Atmosphere/Energy as your subplan.
  • Pick up your academic folder from your freshman/sophomore adviser and print out your unofficial Stanford transcript from Axess.
  • Download and complete your major Program Sheet, which you can obtain from the UGHB website at Be sure to fill in all courses that you have taken and those which you plan to take. You will have the opportunity to revise this later, so please fill in as many courses as you can.
  • Bring your academic folder, transcript and completed program sheet to the CEE Student Services office to Room 316 of the Jerry Yang and Akiko Yamazaki Environment & Energy (Y2E2) Building and request to have a CEE advisor assigned to you. You may request a specific advisor if you wish. Office hours are10-12 and 2- 4, Mon -Fri.
  • Meet with the advisor and have him review and sign your program sheet.
  • Return your signed program sheet to the CEE Student Services Specialist, who will then approve your major declaration in Axess.
  • You are encouraged to meet with your advisor at least once a quarter to review your academic progress. Changes to your program sheet can be made by printing out a revised sheet, obtaining your A/E undergraduate adviser’s signature, and returning the approved sheet to the CEE Student Services Office. NOTE: It is very important to hand in to student services your up-to-date program sheet immediately after the add/drop deadline of the quarter you plan to graduate.
  • Procedures for requesting transfer credits and program deviations are described in detail in at the beginning of Chapter 4: "Policies and Procedures." The relevant forms may be downloaded from under the "Petitions" link. If you are requesting transfer credits or program deviations, you should bring your completed petition form with your transcript to the CEE Student Services office. Attach your program sheet on file in CEE.
  • Check with the CEE Student Services Office to make sure that you are on the CEE undergraduate student email list for important announcements about department events and activities.

Note: The online version of the UGHB is considered the definitive and final version of SoE requirements for each major. Since corrections or updates may have been made after this Handbook was published in August 2011, download the online AE program sheet from to ensure you are using an accurate major plan. Note: You must use a program sheet from a year you are enrolled at Stanford.

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