Teaching + Learning

Providing free access to primary sources, building high-quality online teaching modules, and offering instruction on critical thinking skills.

Research + Tools

Developing publications and applications to define digital humanities for a new generation of scholars, librarians and museum professionals.

Collecting + Exhibiting

Bringing history to audiences worldwide by collecting digital records, archiving documents of the past, and presenting historical exhibits.


What time is it? THATCamp time!

March 17, 2011

All year has been THATCamp time, seems like, but we’re now talking about that THATCamp, which will take place June 3-5, 2011. We’ve instituted some changes this year: THATCamp 2011 will be larger: we’re planning on having 125 people who do all kinds of work related to the humanities and technology; THATCamp 2011 will be [...]

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Join us in naming the Center after Roy Rosenzweig!

RIGHT NOW, a donation to the CHNM endowment will be matched by the National Endowment for the Humanities. Your gift today is very important.

In addition to ensuring the future of CHNM, your gift, along with the NEH matching funds, will allow us to name the Center for our founder, Roy Rosenzweig, who passed away in 2007. Roy was a visionary leader in the field of digital history, and the breath and depth of the resources provided by CHNM are a direct reflection of his work.

Each year, CHNM’s many project websites receive over 16 million visitors, and more than a million people rely on its digital tools to teach, learn, and conduct research. Please join us right away in supporting this incredible resource.

What is Digital History?

Digital history is an approach to examining and representing the past that takes advantage of new communication technologies such as computers and the Web. It draws on essential features of the digital realm, such as databases, hypertextualization, and networks, to create and share historical knowledge.

Digital history complements other forms of history—indeed, it draws its strength and methodological rigor from this age-old form of human understanding while using the latest technology.

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