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Eichenbaum Journal

The international and open access Eichenbaum journal is now accepting submissions for its first issue, which is due in 2018. The journal welcomes contributions on any topic related to the history of Russian literature, criticism, journalism, textual studies, publications strategies and practices, Boris Eichenbaum and formalism.

Proposals must be sent to the address:

The deadline for submissions is the *30th of September, 2017*.

The editorial board reserve its right to select papers for publication.

*Style notes*

Articles must not exceed 20.000 characters, including spaces. They can be written in the following languages: English and Russian.

Each article must be accompanied by an abstract both in Russian and English (200-3000 characters i.s.) and key words.

The file sent by e-mail should be in Word format and should have a cover page containing only the name of the author and the title of the article. Authors are asked to use the font “Times New Roman”, 12 pt, line spacing 1.5.

The references on the archive resources should be placed at the foot of the page. The references on the literature should be written after paper according to the example: [1; 2], [5, p. 37]; the bibliography is placeв at the end of the paper arranged in the alphabetical order.

Name of the file with the paper should include the author’s surname (Ivanov.docx; Petrov.docx). At the end of the paper write the information about author(s): 1) Name and Surname, scientific degree, position, place of employment (study), e-mail, post address, postal code. 2) Title of the paper. All this information should be written both in Russian and in English.

Date of Opportunity: 
Opportunity Audience: