Stanford's Future State

What are the most significant contributions Stanford can make to the world over the next 25-50 years?

Participate in Stanford's Long Range Planning

The goal of long-range planning is to develop a shared vision for Stanford’s future that identifies key opportunities.

The university is welcoming proposals and suggestions from everyone — from faculty to students. Suggestions can be submitted by individuals or teams on the project’s website. Submitting an idea does not make it less likely that another idea is pursued.

Read more about the initiative, and submit a proposal!

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Streamlining Processes to Reduce Administrative Burden

For more than a decade, surveys and reports have highlighted an increase in administrative and compliance requirements associated with Federal
research. There is now consensus that some of these requirements are interfering with the conduct of science out of proportion with the accepted need to ensure accountability, transparency and safety.  ~ National  Science Board, March 2014

I think we can all agree we are really busy complying with mounting regulatory rules, regulations and processes. Do you have an idea on how we can streamline a process?  Is there a process or system that you feel would benefit from redesign?

Let us know about it via the form link below.


Share your ideas and thoughts with us!


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