1. Service Centers Introduction and Overview

Welcome to Module 1 of An Overview of Stanford University Service Center Policies and Practices. To begin this module read the learning objectives, and then click the red button under Get Started located on the top right hand side of this page.

This class will provide an overview of the required policies and practices for Stanford service centers. It will benefit: those considering starting a service center for an existing or new operation, and those currently managing a service center.  A key element in managing a Service Center is the use of the Service Center Manual (SCM). The SCM can be found under the policy tab of this website. It has all the elements contained in this training but covered in more detail. 

  1. Decisions, Set Up, and Getting Started

  2. Federal Regulations for Service Centers

  3. Service Center Rates and Budget Components

  4. Service Center Billing

  5. Service Center Monitoring Responsibilities

  6. Challenges, Tips, and Resources for managers

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