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Faculty members

Langer-Osuna, Jennifer Marie

Academic Title 
Assistant Professor
Contact Information
Program Affiliations 
CTE: Mathematics Education
Learning Sciences and Technology Design (LSTD)
SHIPS (PhD): Race, Inequality, and Language in Education (RILE)
Classroom Dynamics
Collaborative Learning & Problem Solving
Design Experiments
Elementary Education
Learning Design
Mathematical Problem-solving
Problem-based Learning
Race, Inequality, and Language in Education (RILE)
Small Group Instruction and Interaction

Dr. Langer-Osuna leads the SIELL research lab housed within the Center to Support Excellence in Teaching (CSET). She currently researches: modeling cooperative mathematics problem-solving; improving teacher professional development; examining discursive correlations between gender and mathematics achievement; and developing innovative research methodologies. 

Jennifer Langer-Osuna researches math classrooms and the interactional mechanisms that drive cooperative problem-solving, as well as how social identities, such as race and gender, shape math learning. Using her expertise in discourse analysis and cognitive development, Dr. Langer-Osuna examines students’ development of math solutions as mediated by their authority relations and discursive positions. The Spencer Foundation has funded her work and she has published in the Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, Journal of the Learning Sciences, Review of Research in Education, Mathematics Teaching and Learning, ZDM, Mathematics Education Research Journal, Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education, among other outlets. 

Ph.D., Cognition and Development, University of California, Berkeley, 2009

M.A., Education, University of California, Berkeley, 2002

B.S. Cognitive Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University, University and College Honors, 1999

Since 2014. 

Assistant Professor, Stanford University, 2014-current.

National Academy of Education/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellow, 2012-2014.

Assistant Professor, University of Miami, 2010-2014. 

Refereed Journal Articles:

Langer-Osuna, J. (in press). Authority, identity, and collaborative mathematics. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education.

Langer-Osuna, J. & Nasir, N. (2016). Rehumanizing the ‘other’: Race, culture, and identity in education research. Review of Research in Education, Education Research: A Century of Discovery, 40, 723-743.

Langer-Osuna, J. (2016). The social construction of authority among peers and its implications for collaborative mathematics problem solving. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 18(2), 107-124.

Langer-Osuna, J. & Avalos, M. (2015). Heterogeneous talk and the emergence of dialogic space in a fourth grade mathematics discussion. ZDM The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 47(7), 1313-1322.

Langer-Osuna, J. (2015). From getting ‘fired’ to becoming a collaborator: A case of the co-construction of identity and engagement in a project-based mathematics classroom. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 24(1), 53-92 .

Langer-Osuna, J. (2015).  Linear equations and rap battles: How students in a wired classroom utilized the computer as a resource to coordinate personal and mathematical positional identities in hybrid spaces. Mathematics Education Research Journal 27(1), 51-64. 

Engle R.A., Langer-Osuna, J. & McKinney de Royston, M. (2014). Towards a model of influence in persuasive discussions: Negotiating quality, authority, and access within a student-led argument. Journal of the Learning Sciences. 23(2), 245-268

Esmonde, I. & Langer-Osuna, J. (2013). Power in numbers: Student participation in mathematical discussions in heterogeneous spaces. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 44(1). 288-315.

Langer-Osuna, J. (2011). How Brianna became bossy and Kofi came out smart: Understanding the differentially mediated identity and engagement of two group leaders in a project-based mathematics classroom. The Canadian Journal for Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education, 11(3), 207-225.

Bermejo, V., Morales, S., & Garcia de Osuna, J. (2004). Supporting children’s development of cardinality understanding. Learning and Instruction, 14(4), 381-398. 

Handbook and Book Chapters:

Langer-Osuna, J. & Esmonde, I. (Forthcoming). Insights and advances on research on identity in mathematics education, In Cai, J. (Ed). First Compendium for Research in Mathematics Education. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Langer-Osuna, J. (Forthcoming). Seeing the problem before attempting to solve it: The role of noticing sociopolitical narratives in equity-focused work: A Commentary on Wager's Case. In D.Y. White, S. Crespo, and M. Civil (Eds.) Cases for Teacher Facilitating Conversations about Inequities in Classrooms. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing Inc.

Langer-Osuna, J. Moschkovich, J., Norén, E., & Powell, A. (2016). Student agency and counter-narratives in diverse multilingual mathematics classrooms. In M. Setati, T. Nkambule & L. Goosen (Eds.) Mathematics Education and Language Diversity. (pp. 163-173). Springer.

Langer-Osuna, J. & Esmonde, I. (2015). It’s like you’re a teacher!: A social semiotic analysis of authority relations among high school mathematics students. In P. Trifonas (Ed.) The international handbook of semiotics. (pp.1213-1223). Springer.

Avalos, M., Zisselberger, M. Langer-Osuna, J, & Secada, W. (2015). Building teacher knowledge of academic literacy and language acquisition: A framework for cross-disciplinary professional development. In Multilingual Learners and Academic Literacies: Sociocultural Contexts of Literacy Development in Adolescents. (pp. 255-276). Routledge.

Saxe, G. B., Shaughnessy, M. M., Shannon, A., Langer-Osuna, J., Chinn, R., & Gearhart, M. (2007). Learning about fractions as points on a number Line. In W. G. Martin, M. E. Strutchens, & P. C. Elliott (Eds.), The learning of mathematics: Sixty-ninth yearbook (pp. 221-237). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Refereed Proceedings:

Kumar, M., Sengupta-Irvung, T., Enyedy, N., Gresalfi, M., Langer-Osuna, J., Sfard, A., & Gutierrez, K.D. (2014). Becoming More Mathematical: New Directions for Describing and Designing for Positive Dispositions Toward Mathematics. In J.L. Polman, E.A. Kyza, D. K. O'Neill, I. Tabak, W.R. Penuel, A. S. Jurow, K. O'Connor,T. Lee, and L. D'Amico (Eds.) Learning and Becoming in Practice: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2014) – Volume 3. International Society of the Learning Sciences: Boulder, CO.

Langer-Osuna, J. (2012).  The authority of ideas: How students become influential in linguistically heterogeneous small group discussions. In van Aalst, J., Thompson, K., Jacobson, M. J., & Reimann, P. (Eds.) The Future of Learning: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2012) – Volume 2, Short Papers, Symposia, and Selected Abstracts. International Society of the Learning Sciences: Sydney, NSW, Australia.

Secada, W., Zisselberger, M., Langer-Osuna, J., & Avalos, M. (2011). A linguistic analysis of mathematics textbooks. In M. Setati, T. Nkambule & L. Goosen (Eds.) Proceedings of the 21st International Commission on Mathematical Instruction Conference: Mathematics Education and Language Diversity (ICMI Study-21). International Commission on Mathematics Instruction: Sao Paolo, Brazil.

Langer-Osuna, J. M. & Engle, R. A. (2010). “I study features; believe me, I should know!” The meditational role of distributed expertise in the development of student authority. Gomez, K., Lyons, L., & Radinsky, J. (Eds.) Learning in the Disciplines: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2010) - Volume 1, Full Papers. (pp. 612-619). International Society of the Learning Sciences: Chicago IL.

Engle, R. A., Langer-Osuna, J. & McKinney de Royston, M. (2008).  Toward a model of differential influence in discussions: Negotiating quality, authority, and access within a heated classroom argument.  In B. C. Love, K. McRae & V. M. Sloutsky (Eds.), Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 2010-2015).  Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.

Langer-Osuna, J. (2007). Toward a framework for the co-construction of learning and identity in mathematics classrooms. In Proceedings of the Second Annual Socio-cultural Theory in Educational Research and Practice Conference: Theory, Identity and Learning, Manchester, England, available at

Munnich, E., Ranney, M., Nelson, J., Garcia de Osuna, J., & Brazil, N. (2003). Policy shift through Numerically-Driven Inferencing: An EPIC experiment about when base rates matter. In R. Alterman & D. Kirsh (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 834-839). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum