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President's Awards

President's Awards for Excellence Through Diversity

The President's Awards for Excellence through Diversity recognize and honor individuals and programs that have made exceptional contributions to enhancing and supporting diversity (broadly defined) within the Stanford University community. The awards are intended to recognize that a diverse campus community enhances our institutional excellence by broadening and strengthening the teaching, learning, and scholarship that are the university’s missions.

The awards will recognize contributions to diversity in many aspects of university life. Examples include: development of innovative recruitment programs that attract faculty, staff, and/or students who add to Stanford’s diversity (broadly defined); exceptional mentoring of undergraduate and/or graduate students whose background, experience, and interests contribute to diversity on campus; development and implementation of effective advancement opportunities for our diverse population of employees; development of curricular and/or research projects on topics focusing on people's identities, origins, and cultures within the United States and globally that enrich students’ education in novel ways; and development and enhancement of activities that build community within and among diverse groups of students, faculty, and staff.

Two awards may be made each year and nominations are valid for two years:

an individual from among the faculty, students, and staff and/or a campus unit such as a department, program, or office.

Nomination Information

WHO MAY NOMINATE:  Any member of the Stanford community (student, faculty or staff) may nominate an individual or office whose contributions fit the description above.

HOW TO NOMINATE:  Write a letter to the President’s Diversity Awards Committee. Nominations must include the name and position of the nominator and clearly describe the exceptional contributions that make the nominee (individual or campus unit) deserving of this award. Nomination letters can be sent by email, interdepartmental, or US mail. 

Submit email nominations to Pamm Moore or, send a letter to the President's Diversity Awards Committee of the Diversity Cabinet (attention: Pamm Moore, Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Development and Diversity, Building 170, MC 2035; via US mail send to P.O. Box 20551, Stanford, CA 94309). 


SELECTION PROCESS: Nominations will be reviewed by the President's Diversity Awards Committee of the Diversity Cabinet. Awards will be presented in Spring.

2015 Recipients

Sally Dickson , emerita staff, and currently special assistant to President John Hennessy. When she retired from Stanford in early 2015, she was the associate vice provost for student affairs and dean of educational resources. She also served as associate vice provost for faculty development.

The Office of Multicultural Affairs within the School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences. Its mission is to promote a unified community of inclusion, respect and excellence through the development of a student body, staff and faculty that reflects the diversity of our national communities and international partners. The award cited the exemplary leadership of Jerry Harris, associate dean of the office.

President John Hennessy will present the awards at a private ceremony this week.

2014 Recipients

Sheri Sheppard, professor of mechanical engineering, and the Burton J. and Deedee McMurtry University Fellows in Undergraduate Education, for "championing the importance of designing more diverse teaching materials – course activities, examples and questions – that incorporate a wide array of fields and cultures" and for "serving as a trailblazing role model for women in engineering."

The LGBT Community Resources Center for " fostering a strong and diverse LGBT community" making Stanford "a safe and welcoming campus for all."

More details in Stanford Report press release.

2013 Recipients

Hannah A. Valantine, MD, professor of medicine (cardiovascular) at the Stanford University Medical Center, and senior associate dean for diversity and leadership in the School of Medicine, for "creative and consistent efforts to recruit and retain women and underrepresented minorities."

Robert M. Gray, the Alcatel-Lucent Technologies Professor in Communications and Networking in the School of Engineering, Emeritus, and professor emeritus of electrical engineering, for "many years of leadership and advocacy for equity and diversity in engineering."

The ASSU Community Action Board "for creative and consistent efforts to build bridges across the many diverse communities at Stanford."

More details in Stanford Report press release.

2012 Recipients

  • Fernando S. Mendoza, a professor of pediatrics at the Lucile Packard Children's Hospital, was honored "for creating a range of programs supporting diversity in medicine" at Stanford School of Medicine.
  • DARE Doctoral Fellowship Program was honored "for its conscientious efforts to diversify the academic pipeline through the creation and development of university-wide programs."

More details in Stanford Report press release.

2011 Recipients

  • Albert "Al" Camarillo, professor of American history, the Miriam and Peter Haas Centennial Professor in Public Service, and special assistant to the provost for faculty diversity
  • The Biomedical Association for the Interest of Minority Students (BioAIMS), which represents graduate students from all 13 biosciences PhD programs and departments within the School of Medicine and the School of Humanities and Sciences.

More details in Stanford Report press release.

2010 Recipients

  • Stephen Galli, professor of pathology and of microbiology and immunology
  • The Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity

More details in Stanford Report press release.

2009 Recipients

  • Noe Lozano, Associate Dean of Student & Diversity Affairs in the School of Engineering — Student Affairs
  • Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education in the Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences, a multi-university collaboration funded by the National Science Foundation

More details in Stanford Report press release.