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6.1.2 Senior Lecturer Appointments

Last updated on:
Friday, September 1, 2017
Formerly Known As Policy Number: 

The title of Senior Lecturer is associated with a demonstrably higher level of responsibility and teaching excellence than that of a Lecturer, rather than with seniority or longevity; and there is normally only a limited number of Senior Lecturer positions in any program.

The primary evaluation of a Lecturer for appointment or promotion to Senior Lecturer is by a review committee appointed by the department, program, or school that consists of no more than six individuals, at least three of whom must be Academic Council members. Appointments at the rank of Senior Lecturer may be for a term of up to five years’ duration or for a  continuing term. Senior Lecturers should have annual meetings with department chairs or their designees to discuss performance and departmental expectations; and departments should carry out regular, in-depth evaluations of Senior Lecturers no more frequently than every three years and no less frequently than every five years.

Senior Lecturers in positions of continuing programmatic need should be integrated into the governance of their departments, although they do not have Academic Council membership. Departments should not expect Senior Lecturers to take on departmental administration and advisory roles beyond those associated with the specific programmatic need for which they were appointed.