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4.5.2 Doctoral Degrees, Requirements: Implementation

Last updated on:
Tuesday, September 6, 2016

1. Ph.D. Requirements

1. Upon completion of department qualifying procedures, completes the Application for Candidacy for a Doctoral Degree, which details the degree requirements to be met by the individual student. The form is submitted it to the department for approval. Student
2. Endorses fulfillment of language requirements.  Major department chair
3.  Reviews milestones for completion at the time of degree conferral. Prepares final degree conferral lists for departmental review and concurrence.  Registrar
4.  Reviews internal school/program/department requirements before approving the degree conferral list and returning it to the Office of the Registrar. Department


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2. Ph.D. Minor

1 Submits, usually at the time of admission to candidacy, the Application for Ph.D. Minor, outlining the program of study for the minor and whether representation from the minor department on the University oral examination committee will be required.  Student
2. Reviews and either approves or denies the application. Checks that the course of study proposed for the minor will indeed meet the minor requirements.  Minor department chair
3. Reviews and either approves or denies the application. Confirms there are no overlaps between units used towards the major and minor requirements.  Major department chair
4. Submits the approved Ph.D. minor application to the Student Services Center.  Student
5. Records the minor in the PeopleSoft Student Administration.  Registrar
6. If minor department representation on the University oral exam committee is required, ensures such representation when the orals committee is formed. Major department
7. Reviews final recommending lists, verifying that the student has met the requirements for the minor. Students who have not met all requirements should be contacted at that time by the department to determine whether they wish to graduate without the minor or delay conferral until all requirements have been met. Major & Minor departments


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