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Piya C. Sorcar

Piya C. Sorcar, MA, PhD

Adjunct Affiliate at the Center for Health Policy and the Center for Primary Care and Outcomes Research
Founder and CEO of TeachAIDS

460 S. California Ave., Suite 303
Palo Alto, CA 94306

Research Interests

anthropology and education; chronic disease prevention and treatment; economics of education; international comparative education; learning design; problem-based learning; social-psychological aspects of human-interactive media interaction; technology assessment; technology in teaching and learning


Dr. Piya Sorcar is the founder and CEO of TeachAIDS, and also an Adjunct Affiliate at Stanford's School of Medicine and a Visiting Scholar in Stanford's Department of Communication. Founded in 2009, TeachAIDS creates educational technology that solves numerous persistent problems in HIV/AIDS prevention around the world. Today, its software is being used by governments, NGOs, and educational institutions in over 70+ countries, including Botswana, China, India, South Africa, and the United States. It is supported and funded by numerous institutions, including Yahoo!, UNICEF, Barclays Bank, Time Warner, Google, and many national governments around the world.

Prior to TeachAIDS, Sorcar was a founding member of XRI Inc. (a medical and literacy media technology nonprofit), a program advisor for Stanford's Learning, Design and Technology master's program, and an economic research analyst with Analysis Group. She has also been a screenplay consultant for many international award-winning children's educational programs, and was nominated for a Regional Emmy Award for Lead Actress.

Sorcar received her Ph.D. in Learning Sciences and Technology Design and her M.A. in Education from Stanford. She graduated summa cum laude from the University of Colorado at Boulder with a B.A. in Economics, B.S. in Journalism, and B.S. in Information Systems. She has been an invited speaker at numerous universities including Caltech, Columbia, Tsinghua, Utrecht, and Yale.  In 2011, MIT Technology Review named her to its TR35 list of the top 35 innovators in the world under 35.