Deborah L. Rhode

Deborah L. L Rhode

Deborah L. Rhode

  • Ernest W. McFarland Professor of Law
  • Director, Center on the Legal Profession
  • Room N347, Neukom Building


  • Equal Protection
  • Ethics & Professional Responsibility
  • Gender & Sexual Orientation Discrimination
  • Legal Profession
  • Prosecutorial Ethics
  • Public Interest Law
  • Race & Ethnicity Discrimination

Women and Leadership

For most of recorded history, men have held nearly all of the most powerful leadership positions. Today, although women occupy an increasing percentage of leadership positions, in America they hold less than a fifth of positions in both the public and private sectors. The United States ranks 78th in the world for women’s representation in political office. In politics, although women constitute a majority of the electorate, they account for only 18 percent of Congress, 10 percent of governors, and 12 percent of mayors of the nation’s 100 largest cities. In academia, women account for a majority of college graduates, but only about a quarter of full professors and university presidents. In law, women are almost half of law school graduates, but only 17 percent of the equity partners of major firms, and 22 percent of Fortune 500 general counsels. In business, women constitute a third of MBA graduates, but only 5 percent of Fortune 500 CEOs.

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