Spring 2017 Issue of Stanford Lawyer Now Online


Publish Date:
June 13, 2017


The Spring 2017 issue of Stanford Lawyer is now online. Stanford Lawyer magazine was first printed in 1966 as a tool to communicate with the law school’s growing alumni community. The magazine reflects the success and forward thinking innovation of the law school, its students, and its alumni.

In this issue, faculty, students, and alumni weigh in on legal challenges in the sharing economy and how the law is developing. We hear from alum Peter Bouckaert, JD ’97, emergencies director for Human Rights Watch, about his work traveling the globe to investigate some of the world’s most critical human rights crises. Students and alumni explore the challenges facing immigrants under the new administration.

See the full issue here.

From the Dean

Cover Story

The Sharing Economy
The so-called sharing economy has ushered in innovation––not just technological but also in the way in which business is done. As Uber, Airbnb, and other sharing companies have grown, they have pushed the legal envelope––often innovating ahead of law. In this feature, we look at legal challenges in the sharing economy and how the law is developing.

Legal Matters


Human Rights around the Globe: Advocating for the World’s Desperate and Forgotten

In this Q&A with Professor Jennifer Martinez, Peter Bouckaert, emergencies director for Human Rights Watch, discusses his work traveling the globe to investigate some of the world’s most critical human rights crises, shedding light on human suffering and political failures.

In Brief

Alumni and School News

Justices Ginsburg and Sotomayor Visit SLS

Public Interest Fellowships

Pro Bono Work

Law and Wellness

Startup Bootcamp for Lawyers

In Focus

Linda Newmark: Artistry in Negotiation
In this profile, Linda Newmark, JD ’88, discusses her career in the music business, where she has gained a reputation for creative negotiations.

Xavier Becerra: California's New Attorney General Gears Up

Xavier Becerra: California’s New Attorney General Gears Up
Xavier Becerra, JD ’84 (BA ’80), left Congress after 24 years representing the people of Los Angeles. Here he discusses his career in government service and his new role as AG of California.

Taking the Stand: Judge Sunshine Sykes
In this profile, Sunshine Sykes, JD ’01 (BA ’88), discusses her path to the judiciary and her role as the first Native American judge on California’s Superior Court in Riverside.

Decarcerating Prisons
This report on the policy practicum Decarcerating Prisons explores research that Stanford Law students are engaged in—particularly as it relates to decarceration and California’s Proposition 57.

SLS Alumni at The California Office of the Solicitor General
The California Office of the Solicitor General is involved in some of the most important legal issues facing the state. At the center of that work is Solicitor General Edward DuMont, JD ’86, who has assembled a group of Stanford Law alumni to help him.

Tackling Legal Challenges of Immigration

Amicus Brief in Support of Santa Clara County

SLS Alumni Work on a Key Sanctuary Jurisdiction Case

Pro Se Guide for Asylum Seekers
In this report, Stanford Law students, faculty, and alumni discuss their work addressing challenges facing immigrants.