Visiting Faculty without Salary

UPDATE: Change in How Actions are Submitted

As of February 1, 2017, all Short Term Faculty appointments, reappointments and promotions must be submitted through FASA, not emailed to the Office of Academic Affairs.  In addition, you do not need to fill out the application form (“green form”, CE appointment form, visiting scholar appointment form).  Entering the action into FASA takes the place of the application form.  Please bear with us while we update our checklists and instructions.  If you have any questions, please contact us.

Visiting Faculty are faculty at other universities who wish to come to Stanford on their sabbaticals for research, educational, or other academic reasons. They are appointed for one year and may be reappointed for a second year. Visiting faculty may be unpaid or paid.

Submit appointment requests at least one month before the desired start date, or two months before the start date if a J-1 visa is needed.

  • Visiting Faculty appointments now require only one letter of evaluation instead of three.
  • You do not need to submit a copy of the SU18. The candidate must still sign it, however.