

  • Clinicians often have to deliver bad news to patients.
  • Both delivering and receiving bad news are intrinsically stressful events.
  • Preparing in advance, carefully setting the stage and crafting an agenda and following the steps described below are helpful.
  • Typical steps often used in delivery of bad news:
    • Warning shot : Tell them that you have some unpleasant news for them
    • Pause : Wait for them to take a deep breath and get ready to hear the bad news.
    • Deliver bad news:
      • Use short simple sentences.
      • Avoid common communication errors studied earlier
      • Be sensitive and compassionate
    • Empathic silence: Wait for them to intake and process the bad news.
    • Answer questions : The bad news will prompt a lot of questions. Answer them patiently
    • Assure nonabandonment: Inform the patient that you will be coaching them through the next steps
    • Make follow-up plans: Clearly elucidate the next steps
    • Debrief and self reflection.


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