Faculty Type: 
Active Faculty
Professor of Physics
Additional Titles: 
Professor of Applied Physics; Physics Dept. Associate Chair

Varian Physics, Room 234
Stanford University
382 Via Pueblo Mall
Stanford, CA 94305-4060

Phone Number: 
Support Staff: 


How can we control and exploit the quantum properties of atoms and photons?

Professor Kasevich's current research interests are centered on the development of quantum sensors of rotation and acceleration based on cold atoms (quantum metrology), the application of these sensors to the tests of General Relativity, the investigation of many-body quantum effects in Bose-condensed vapors (including quantum simulation), and the investigation of ultra-fast laser-induced phenomena.

Career History

  • B.A., Physics, Dartmouth College, 1985
  • M.A., Physics and Philosophy, Merton College, Oxford University, 1987
  • Ph.D., Applied Physics, Stanford University, June 1992 (Thesis: "Atom interferometry in an atomic fountain")
  • Professor, Physics Dept., Stanford University, 2002-present
  • Professor, Physics Dept., Yale University, 2001-2002
  • Associate Professor, Physics Dept., Yale University, 1997-2001
  • Assistant Professor, Physics Dept., Stanford University, 1992-1997