The department offers Physics majors the opportunity to complete a senior thesis. These are the guidelines:

  1. Students must submit a Senior Thesis Application form once they identify a physics project, either theoretical or experimental, in consultation with individual faculty members. The application form is attached to this web page and is also available from the undergraduate coordinator. The application must be submitted by 4 pm on Friday prior to the Thanksgiving break of the academic year in which the student plans to graduate.
  2. Credit for the project is assigned by the adviser within the framework of PHYSICS 205, Senior Thesis Research. A minimum of 3 units of PHYSICS 205 must be completed for a letter grade during the senior year. Work completed in the senior thesis program may not be used as a substitute for regular required courses for the Physics major.
  3. A written report and a presentation of the work at its completion are required for the senior thesis. The senior thesis candidate is required to present the project at the department's Senior Thesis Presentation Program in mid to late May. This event is publicized and open to the general public. The expectation is that the student's adviser, second reader, and all other senior thesis candidates attend.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions:

Senior Thesis Application Form 2016-2017.pdf16.38 KB