Academic Appointments

Administrative Appointments

  • Chair, Department of Energy Resources Engineering (ERE), Stanford University (2018 - Present)
  • Professor, Energy Resources Engineering, Stanford University (2013 - Present)
  • Co-Director, CEES (Center for Computational Earth & Environmental Sciences), Stanford University (2010 - 2018)
  • Associate Professor, Energy Resources Engineering, Stanford University (2003 - 2013)
  • Research Positions, including Staff Research Scientist, Chevron Energy Technology Company (1994 - 2003)

Honors & Awards

  • President's Individual Achievement Award, Successful Completion of Phase 1 of the Intersect Project, ChevronTexaco & Schlumberger (2003)
  • Nominee for the Council of Graduate Schools Distinguished Dissertation Award, Stanford University (1994)
  • Edmund W. Littlefield Fellow, Edmund W. Littlefield Fellowship (1993-1994)

Boards, Advisory Committees, Professional Organizations

  • Editorial Board, SIAM Multiscale Modeling & Simulation, SIAM (2014 - Present)
  • Chair, Gordon Conference on "Flow and Transport in Permeable Media", Bates College, Maryland, Gordon Research Conferences (2014 - 2014)
  • Vice-Chair, Gordon Research Conference on Flow in Permeable Media, Switzerland, Gordon Research Conference, Switzerland (2012 - 2012)
  • Chair, SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium, The Woodlands, Texas (2011 - 2011)
  • Invited Speaker, Stanford/Aramco/KFUPM Meeting on Research Collaboration, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia (2011 - 2011)
  • Lecturer, Short Course on Reservoir Simulation, ENI, Milan, Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi (ENI) (2011 - 2011)
  • Co-Director: Center for Computational Earth & Environmental Science (CEES), Stanford University (2010 - Present)
  • Co-Director: Stanford Earth Sciences Algorithms & Architecture Initiative (SESAAI), Stanford University (2010 - Present)
  • Editorial Board, Journal of Computational Science (2010 - Present)
  • Instructor, Short Course on Reservoir Simulation, ENI (2010 - 2010)
  • Invited Speaker, Flow and Transport in Permeable Media, Bates College, Maine, Gordon Research Conference (2010 - 2010)
  • Invited Speaker, Computational Geoscience Seminar Series, MIT, MA (2010 - 2010)
  • Invited Speaker, Earth Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA (2010 - 2010)
  • Board Member, SPE Digital Energy Technical Section (2009 - 2011)
  • Keynote Speaker, Monte Verita, Switzerland, (March), International Conference on Preferential and Unstable Flow in Porous Media (2009 - 2009)
  • Keynote Speaker, Svalbard, Norway (August), Workshop on Modeling and Risk Assessment of Geological Storage of CO2 (2009 - 2009)
  • Guest Co-Editor, Special Issue on \Multiscale, Computational Geosciences (2008 - 2008)
  • Instructor, Short Course on Reservoir Simulation, ENI, Milan, Italy (2008 - 2008)
  • Invited Speaker, Civil & Environmental Engineering,, USC, Los Angeles, CA (2008 - 2008)
  • Invited Speaker, Petroleum Institute, Abu-Dhabi, UAE, Petroleum Institute (2008 - 2008)
  • Invited Speaker, SPE Section & Aramco Advanced Research Center, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, Society of Petroleum Engineers (2008 - 2008)
  • Keynote Speaker, Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR) (2008 - 2008)
  • Associate Director, Center for Computational Earth & Environmental Science (CEES), Stanford University (2007 - 2010)
  • Invited Panel Member, SIAM Conf., Computational Sci. & Engineering, CS & E Education, Costa Mesa, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (2007 - 2007)
  • Invited Participant: DOE Basic Energy Sciences (BES): Basic Research Needs for Geosciences: Facilitating 21st Century Energy Systems, Feb., DOE Basic Energy Sciences (BES) (2007 - 2007)
  • Invited Speake, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia (2007 - 2007)
  • Invited Speaker, Workshop on Discretization and Scale-up Methods, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ (2007 - 2007)
  • Invited Speaker, ENI, Milan, Italy (2007 - 2007)
  • Invited Speaker, ExxonMobil Research Lab, Houston, TX., ExxonMobil Research Lab (2007 - 2007)
  • Invited Speaker, Inaugural Conference on Computational Methods in Energy and Environmental Research (CMEER), July, Beijing, China, Computational Methods in Energy and Environmental Research (CMEER) (2007 - 2007)
  • Invited Speaker, Lecture Series, Aramco Advanced Research Center, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, Aramco Advanced Research Center (2007 - 2007)
  • Invited Speaker, Structural Engineering and Geomechanics Seminar, Stanford University (2007 - 2007)
  • Lecturer, Short Course on Reservoir Simulation, Milan, Italy, ENI (2007 - 2007)
  • Co-Director, Stanford Reservoir Simulation Affiliates Program (SUPRI-B), Stanford University (2006 - Present)
  • Member, SPE Continuing Education Committee (2006 - 2010)
  • Guest editor, Special issue, ìMultiscale methods for heterogeneous porous media, Computational Geosciences Journal (2006 - 2006)
  • Invited Panelist, Meeting on Technology Impact on EOR, November, National Petroleum Council (NPC) (2006 - 2006)
  • Organizing Committee, SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium (2006 - 2006)
  • Organizing Committee Member, Modeling Flow in Permeable Media, Gordon Research Conference (2006 - 2006)
  • Editorial Board, Transport in Porous Media (2005 - Present)
  • Advisory Panel, Center for Computational Earth & Environmental Sciences (CEES), Stanford University (2005 - 2010)
  • Co-Chair, Heriot-Watt Forum, Stanford University (2005 - 2005)
  • Co-taught Short Course on Reservoir Simulation, Stanford University (2005 - 2005)
  • Instructor, Short Course on Reservoir Simulation, Milan, Italy, ENI (2005 - 2005)
  • Invited Presenter, Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering, Stanford University (2005 - 2005)
  • Invited Speaker, International Forum on Reservoir Simulation Stresa, Italy (2005 - 2005)
  • Invited Speaker, CIMMS/IPAM Workshop on Multiscale Modeling and Computation, Caltech, Pasadena, CA, CIMMS/IPAM (2005 - 2005)
  • Invited Speaker, Fluid Mechanics Seminar, Mechanical Engineering Department, UC Santa Barbara (2005 - 2005)
  • Organizing Committee, SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium (2005 - 2005)
  • Graduate Admissions Committee, Energy Resources Engineering Department, Stanford University (2004 - Present)
  • Co-taught Short Course on reservoir simulation, Stanford University (2004 - 2004)
  • Invited Presenter, School of Petroleum Engineering and Geological Engineering, University of Oklahoma (2004 - 2004)
  • Editorial board, Vadose Zone Journal (2003 - 2006)
  • Co-taught Short Course on Reservoir Simulation (August), Stanford University (2003 - 2003)
  • Invited Speaker, Earth Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA (November), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (2003 - 2003)
  • Invited speaker, SPE Forum on Reservoir Simulation, Park City, Utah (July), Society of Petroleum Engineers (2003 - 2003)
  • Organizing Committee, SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium (2003 - 2003)
  • Invited speaker, Fundamental Problems in Reservoir Simulation & Optimization, Oxford (April), Schlumberger & Oxford University (2002 - 2002)
  • Organizing Committee Member, Modeling Flow in Permeable Media, Gordon Research Conference (2002 - 2002)
  • Invited plenary speaker, SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences, Colorado (June), Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (2001 - 2001)
  • Editorial Board, SPE Journal (2000 - Present)
  • Invited speaker, Gordon Research Conference on Flow in Permeable Media, New Hampshire (August), Gordon Research Conference (2000 - 2000)
  • Invited speaker, Institute of Mathematics & its Applications, Minnesota (February), Institute of Mathematics (IMA) (2000 - 2000)
  • Member, SPE, AGU, APS, SIAM (1999 - Present)
  • Program Committee Member of the Fifth SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Isues in the Geosciences, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (1999 - 1999)

Program Affiliations

  • Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering (ICME)

Professional Education

  • Ph.D., Stanford University, Petroleum Engineering (1994)
  • M.S., King Fahd University, Petroleum Engineering (1988)
  • B.S., University of Petroleum and Minerals, Petroleum Engineering (1985)


  • Moncorge, A. and Tchelepi, H.A.. "United States Patent 8,412,502 B2 System and Method for Performing Oilfield Simulation Operations", Schlumberger-Total, Apr 2, 2013
  • Lee, S.H., Zhou, H., and Tchelepi, H.A.. "United States Patent 8,346,523 B2 Indirect-Error-Based Dynamic Upscaling of Multi-Phase Flow in Porous Media", Chevron-Schlumberger, Jan 1, 2013
  • Lee, S. H., Zhou, H., and Tchelepi, H. A.. "United States Patent 8,204,726 Multi-Scale Method for Multi-Phase Flow in Porous Media", Schlumberger-Chevron, Jun 19, 2012
  • Moncorge, A. and Tchelepi, H.A.. "United States Patent 7,877,246 B2 System and Method for Performing Oilfield Simulation Operations", Schlumberger-Total, Jan 25, 2011
  • J. R. Wallis, Hamdi Tchelepi. "United States Patent 7,684,967 Apparatus, Method and System for Improved Reservoir Simulation Using an Algebraic Cascading Class Linear Solver", Mar 23, 2010
  • J. R. Wallis, H. A. Tchelepi, and H. Cao. "United States Patent 7,516,056 B2 Apparatus, Method and System for Improved Reservoir Simulation using a Multiplicative Overlapping Schwarz Preconditioning for Adaptive Implicit Linear Systems", Schlumberger Technology Corporation, Apr 7, 2009
  • P. Jenny, Hamdi Tchelepi, S.H. Lee. "United States Patent 7,505,882 B2 Stable Method and Apparatus for Solving S-Shaped Non-Linear Functions Utilizing Modified Newton-Raphson Algorithms", Mar 1, 2009
  • Jenny, P., Lee, S.H., and Tchelepi, H.A.. "United States Patent 6,823,297 B2 Multi-Scale Finite-Volume Method for use in Subsurface Flow Simulation", Chevron-Schlumberger, Nov 23, 2004
  • P. Jenny, S.H. Lee, Hamdi Tchelepi. "United States Patent 2004/0176937A1 Multiscale Finite Volume Method for Use in Subsurface Flow Simulation", Sep 5, 2004

Current Research and Scholarly Interests

I am interested in numerical simulation of flow and transport processes in natural porous media. Application areas include reservoir simulation and subsurface CO2 sequestration. Current research activities include (1) modeling unstable miscible and immiscible flow in heterogeneous formations, (2) developing multiscale formulations and scalable solution algorithms for multiphase flow in large-scale subsurface systems, and (3) developing stochastic formulations for quantification of the uncertainty associated with predictions of flow and transport in large subsurface formations.

I teach courses on multiphase flow in porous media and numerical reservoir simulation.

Professional Activities
President's Individual Achievement Award, sponsored by Chevron and Schlumberger, for successful completion of the Intersect Project (next generation reservoir simulator), 2003; Co-Director, Stanford Reservoir Simulation Affiliates Program (SUPRI-B), 2006-present; Editorial board, Transport in Porous Media, 2005-2010; advisory panel, Center for Computational Earth and Environmental Science, 2005-present; graduate admissions committee, Department of Energy Resources Engineering, 2004-2017; Editorial board, SPE Journal, 2000-present; member, SPE, AGU, APS, SIAM, 1999-present; Edmund W. Littlefield Fellow, 1993-94

2018-19 Courses

Stanford Advisees

All Publications

  • Image-based micro-continuum model for gas flow in organic-rich shale rock ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES Guo, B., Ma, L., Tchelepi, H. A. 2018; 122: 70–84
  • Sequential fully implicit formulation for compositional simulation using natural variables JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS Moncorge, A., Tchelepi, H. A., Jenny, R. 2018; 371: 690–711
  • A conservative and well-balanced surface tension model JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS Abu-Al-Saud, M. O., Popinet, S., Tchelepi, H. A. 2018; 371: 896–913
  • Pore-scale modelling of multiphase reactive flow: application to mineral dissolution with production of CO2 JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS Soulaine, C., Roman, S., Kovscek, A., Tchelepi, H. A. 2018; 855: 616–45
  • Reduced Variables Method for Four-Phase Equilibrium Calculations of Hydrocarbon-H2O-CO2 Mixtures at a Low Temperature ECMOR XVI - 16th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery Imai, M.
  • Sequential implicit nonlinear solver for geothermal simulation JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS Wong, Z., Horne, R. N., Tchelepi, H. A. 2018; 368: 236–53
  • Relative Permeability of Near-Miscible Fluids in Compositional Simulators TRANSPORT IN POROUS MEDIA Alzayer, A. N., Voskov, D. V., Tchelepi, H. A. 2018; 122 (3): 547–73
  • Monotone nonlinear finite-volume method for challenging grids COMPUTATIONAL GEOSCIENCES Schneider, M., Flemisch, B., Helmig, R., Terekhov, K., Tchelepi, H. 2018; 22 (2): 565–86
  • Implicit Hybrid Upwinding for two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media with buoyancy and capillarity COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING Hamon, F. P., Mallison, B. T., Tchelepi, H. A. 2018; 331: 701–27
  • An efficient distribution method for nonlinear two-phase flow in highly heterogeneous multidimensional stochastic porous media COMPUTATIONAL GEOSCIENCES Ibrahima, F., Tchelepi, H. A., Meyer, D. W. 2018; 22 (1): 389–412
  • Unified Thermo-Compositional-Mechanical Framework for Reservoir Simulation Computational Geosciences Garipov, T., Tomin, P., Rin, R., Voskov, D., Tchelepi, H. 2018
  • Multiscale two-stage solver for Biot’s poroelasticity equations in subsurface media Computational Geosciences Castelletto, N., et al 2018: 1-18
  • Effects of Image Resolution on Sandstone Porosity and Permeability as Obtained from X-Ray Microscopy Transport in Porous Media Guan, K. M., et al 2018
  • Micro-continuum Framework for Pore-Scale Multiphase Fluid Transport in Shale Formations Transport in Porous Media Soulaine, C., et al 2018: 1-28
  • Investigation of Stress Field and Fracture Development During Shale Maturation Using Analog Rock Systems SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition Vega, B., Yang, J., Tchelepi, H., Kovscek, A. R. SPE. 2018
  • Multiscale Computation of Pore-Scale Fluid Dynamics: Single-Phase Flow Journal of Computational Physics Mehmani, Y., Tchelepi, H. A. 2018
  • Measurements and simulation of liquid films during drainage displacements and snap-off in constricted capillary tubes JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE Roman, S., Abu-Al-Saud, M. O., Tokunaga, T., Wan, J., Kovscek, A. R., Tchelepi, H. A. 2017; 507: 279–89


    When a wetting liquid is displaced by air in a capillary tube, a wetting film develops between the tube wall and the air that is responsible for the snap-off mechanism of the gas phase. By dissolving a dye in the wetting phase it is possible to relate a measure of the absorbance in the capillary to the thickness of liquid films. These data could be used to compare with cutting edge numerical simulations of the dynamics of snap-off for which experimental and numerical data are lacking. Drainage experiments in constricted capillary tubes were performed where a dyed wetting liquid is displaced by air for varying flow rates. We developed an optical method to measure liquid film thicknesses that range from 3 to 1000μm. The optical measures are validated by comparison with both theory and direct numerical simulations. In a constricted capillary tube we observed, both experimentally and numerically, a phenomenon of snap-off coalescence events in the vicinity of the constriction that bring new insights into our understanding and modeling of two-phase flows. In addition, the good agreement between experiments and numerical simulations gives confidence to use the numerical method for more complex geometries in the future.

    View details for DOI 10.1016/j.jcis.2017.07.092

    View details for Web of Science ID 000411299200030

    View details for PubMedID 28802195

  • Modified sequential fully implicit scheme for compositional flow simulation JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS Moncorge, A., Tchelepi, H. A., Jenny, P. 2017; 337: 98-115
  • Multiscale level-set method for accurate modeling of immiscible two-phase flow with deposited thin films on solid surfaces JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS Abu-Al-Saud, M. O., Riaz, A., Tchelepi, H. A. 2017; 333: 297-320
  • Multiscale finite-element method for linear elastic geomechanics JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS Castelletto, N., Hajibeygi, H., Tchelepi, H. A. 2017; 331: 337-356
  • A two-stage adaptive stochastic collocation method on nested sparse grids for multiphase flow in randomly heterogeneous porous media JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS Liao, Q., Zhang, D., Tchelepi, H. 2017; 330: 828-845
  • Cell-centered nonlinear finite-volume methods for the heterogeneous anisotropic diffusion problem JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS Terekhov, K. M., Mallison, B. T., Tchelepi, H. A. 2017; 330: 245-267
  • Multiscale finite volume method for discrete fracture modeling on unstructured grids (MS-DFM) Journal of Computational Physics Bosma, S., Hajibeygi, H., Tene, M., Tchelepi, H. A. 2017; 351: 145-164
  • Multipoint Distribution of Saturation for Stochastic Nonlinear Two-Phase Transport SIAM-ASA JOURNAL ON UNCERTAINTY QUANTIFICATION Ibrahima, F., Tchelepi, H. A. 2017; 5 (1): 353–77

    View details for DOI 10.1137/16M1096244

    View details for Web of Science ID 000424574600015

  • Comparison of EoS-Based and K-Values-Based Methods for Three-Phase Thermal Simulation TRANSPORT IN POROUS MEDIA Zaydullin, R., Voskov, D. V., Tchelepi, H. A. 2017; 116 (2): 663-686
  • Parallel Multiscale Linear Solver for Highly Detailed Reservoir Models SPE JOURNAL Manea, A. M., SEWALL, J., Tchelepi, H. A. 2016; 21 (6): 2062-2078
  • From optics to upscaled thermal conductivity: Green River oil shale FUEL Mehmani, Y., Burnham, A. K., Tchelepi, H. A. 2016; 183: 489-500
  • Implicit Hybrid Upwind scheme for coupled multiphase flow and transport with buoyancy COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING Hamon, F. P., Mallison, B. T., Tchelepi, H. A. 2016; 311: 599-624
  • Ordering-based nonlinear solver for fully-implicit simulation of three-phase flow COMPUTATIONAL GEOSCIENCES Hamon, F. P., Tchelepi, H. A. 2016; 20 (5): 909-927
  • Stochastic Galerkin framework with locally reduced bases for nonlinear two-phase transport in heterogeneous formations COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING Pettersson, P., Tchelepi, H. A. 2016; 310: 367-387
  • Particle velocimetry analysis of immiscible two-phase flow in micromodels ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES Roman, S., Soulaine, C., Abu AlSaud, M., Kovscek, A., Tchelepi, H. 2016; 95: 199-211
  • Quantification of kerogen content in organic-rich shales from optical photographs FUEL Mehmani, Y., Burnham, A. K., Vanden Berg, M. D., Gelin, F., Tchelepi, H. 2016; 177: 63-75
  • Micro-continuum Approach for Pore-Scale Simulation of Subsurface Processes TRANSPORT IN POROUS MEDIA Soulaine, C., Tchelepi, H. A. 2016; 113 (3): 431-456
  • Monotone multiscale finite volume method COMPUTATIONAL GEOSCIENCES Wang, Y., Hajibeygi, H., Tchelepi, H. A. 2016; 20 (3): 509-524
  • Ordering-based nonlinear solver for fully-implicit simulation of three-phase flow COMPUTATIONAL GEOSCIENCES Hamon, F. P., Tchelepi, H. A. 2016; 20 (3): 475-493
  • Phase-state identification bypass method for three-phase thermal compositional simulation COMPUTATIONAL GEOSCIENCES Zaydullin, R., Voskov, D. V., Tchelepi, H. A. 2016; 20 (3): 461-474
  • Block-partitioned solvers for coupled poromechanics: A unified framework COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING White, J. A., Castelletto, N., Tchelepi, H. A. 2016; 303: 55-74
  • The Impact of Sub-Resolution Porosity of X-ray Microtomography Images on the Permeability TRANSPORT IN POROUS MEDIA Soulaine, C., Gjetvaj, F., Garing, C., Roman, S., Russian, A., Gouze, P., Tchelepi, H. A. 2016; 113 (1): 227-243
  • Discrete fracture model for coupled flow and geomechanics COMPUTATIONAL GEOSCIENCES Garipov, T. T., Karimi-Fard, M., Tchelepi, H. A. 2016; 20 (1): 149-160

    View details for DOI 10.1137/15M1020988

    View details for Web of Science ID 000385026000016

  • Non-local formulation for multiscale flow in porous media JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY Delgoshaie, A. H., Meyer, D. W., Jenny, P., Tchelepi, H. A. 2015; 531: 649-654
  • Accuracy and convergence properties of the fixed-stress iterative solution of two-way coupled poromechanics INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL AND ANALYTICAL METHODS IN GEOMECHANICS Castelletto, N., White, J. A., Tchelepi, H. A. 2015; 39 (14): 1593-1618

    View details for DOI 10.1002/nag.2400

    View details for Web of Science ID 000360809200007

  • Nonlinear analysis of multiphase transport in porous media in the presence of viscous, buoyancy, and capillary forces JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS Li, B., Tchelepi, H. A. 2015; 297: 104-131
  • Interactions between gravity currents and convective dissolution ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES Elenius, M. T., Voskov, D. V., Tchelepi, H. A. 2015; 83: 77-88
  • Distribution Functions of Saturation for Stochastic Nonlinear Two-Phase Flow TRANSPORT IN POROUS MEDIA Ibrahima, F., Meyer, D. W., Tchelepi, H. A. 2015; 109 (1): 81-107
  • Hybrid upwind discretization of nonlinear two-phase flow with gravity ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES Lee, S. H., Efendiev, Y., Tchelepi, H. A. 2015; 82: 27-38
  • Onset of natural convection in layered aquifers JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS Daniel, D., Riaz, A., Tchelepi, H. A. 2015; 767: 763-781
  • Scale analysis of miscible density-driven convection in porous media JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS Jenny, P., Lee, J. S., Meyer, D. W., Tchelepi, H. A. 2014; 749: 519-541
  • Algebraic multiscale solver for flow in heterogeneous porous media JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS Wang, Y., Hajibeygi, H., Tchelepi, H. A. 2014; 259: 284-303
  • Compositional Multiscale Finite-Volume Formulation SPE Journal Hajibeygi, H., Tchelepi, H. A. 2014; 19 (2): 316-326
  • A Negative-Flash Tie-Simplex Approach for Multiphase Reservoir Simulation SPE JOURNAL Iranshahr, A., Voskov, D. V., Tchelepi, H. A. 2013; 18 (6): 1140-1149
  • Influence of capillary-pressure models on CO2 solubility trapping ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES Li, B., Tchelepi, H. A., Benson, S. M. 2013; 62: 488-498
  • Rigorous Coupling of Geomechanics and Multiphase Flow with Strong Capillarity SPE JOURNAL Kim, J., Tchelepi, H. A., Juanes, R. 2013; 18 (6): 1123-1139
  • Tie-Line-Based K-Value Method for Compositional Simulation SPE JOURNAL Rannou, G., Voskov, D., Tchelepi, H. 2013; 18 (6): 1112-1122
  • Trust-region based solver for nonlinear transport in heterogeneous porous media JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS Wang, X., Tchelepi, H. A. 2013; 253: 114-137
  • Thermal adaptive implicit method: Time step selection JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Maes, J., Moncorge, A., Tchelepi, H. 2013; 106: 34-45
  • Tie-Simplex Based Compositional Space Parameterization: Continuity and Generalization to Multiphase Systems AICHE JOURNAL Iranshahr, A., Voskov, D. V., Tchelepi, H. A. 2013; 59 (5): 1684-1701

    View details for DOI 10.1002/aic.13919

    View details for Web of Science ID 000317469700023

  • A fast simulation method for uncertainty quantification of subsurface flow and transport WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH Meyer, D. W., Tchelepi, H. A., Jenny, P. 2013; 49 (5): 2359-2379

    View details for DOI 10.1002/wrcr.20240

    View details for Web of Science ID 000324292300004

  • A scalable multistage linear solver for reservoir models with multisegment wells COMPUTATIONAL GEOSCIENCES Zhou, Y., Jiang, Y., Tchelepi, H. A. 2013; 17 (2): 197-216
  • Nonlinear Formulation Based on an Equation-of-State Free Method for Compositional Flow Simulation SPE JOURNAL Zaydullin, R., Voskov, D. V., Tchelepi, H. A. 2013; 18 (2): 264-273
  • Trust-Region Based Solver for Nonlinear Transport in Heterogeneous Porous Media Journal of Computational Physics Wang, X., Tchelepi, H. A. 2013; 253: 114-137
  • Efficient Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling Using Polynomial Chaos Expansion SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium Bazargan, H., Christie, M. A., Tchelepi, H. A. 2013
  • Efficient Coupling for Nonlinear Multiphase Flow With Strong Gravity SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium Shahvali, M., Tchelepi, H. A. 2013
  • Influence of Capillary-Pressure Models on CO2 Solubility Trapping Advances in Water Resources Li, B., Tchelepi, H. A., Benson, S. M. 2013; 62: 488-499
  • Compositional Multiscale Finite-Volume Formulation SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium Hajibeygi, H., Tchelepi, H. A. 2013
  • Trust-Region-Based Nonlinear Solver for Multiphase Flow and Trans-port in Heterogeneous Porous Media SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium Wang, X., Tchelepi, H. A. 2013
  • Chemical Reaction Modeling in a Compositional Reservoir Simulation Framework SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium Farshidi, S. F., Fan, Y., Durlofsky, L. J., Tchelepi, H. A. 2013
  • Formulation and Solution of Compositional Displacements in Tie-Simplex Space SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium Zaydullin, R., Voskov, D. V., Tchelepi, H. A. 2013
  • Multi-GPU Parallelization of Nested Factorization for Solving Large Linear Systems SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium Zhou, Y., Tchelepi, H. A. 2013
  • The Influence of Capillary Entry-Pressure Representation on CO2 Solubility Trapping International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Technologies (GHGT) Li, B., Tchelepi, H. A., Benson, S. M. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. 2013: 3808–3815
  • A fully-coupled flow-reactive-transport formulation based on element conservation, with application to CO2 storage simulations ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES Fan, Y., Durlofsky, L. J., Tchelepi, H. A. 2012; 42: 47-61
  • Two-Stage Algebraic Multiscale Linear Solver for Highly Heterogeneous Reservoir Models SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery Zhou, H., Tchelepi, H. A. SOC PETROLEUM ENG. 2012: 523–39
  • Gibbs energy analysis: Compositional tie-simplex space FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA Iranshahr, A., Voskov, D. V., Tchelepi, H. A. 2012; 321: 49-58
  • Dynamic Data Integration and Quantification of Prediction Uncertainty Using Statistical-Moment Equations SPE JOURNAL Likanapaisal, P., Li, L., Tchelepi, H. A. 2012; 17 (1): 98-111
  • Multiscale Finite-Volume Formulation for the Saturation Equations SPE JOURNAL Zhou, H., Lee, S. H., Tchelepi, H. A. 2012; 17 (1): 198-211
  • Comparison of nonlinear formulations for two-phase multi-component EoS based simulation JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Voskov, D. V., Tchelepi, H. A. 2012; 82-83: 101-111
  • Compositional Formulation Based on Piece-wise Linear Representation in Tie-simplex Space 13th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery (ECMOR XIII) Zaydullin, R., Voskov, D. V., Tchelepi, H. A. 2012
  • Coupled Geomechanics and Flow in Fractured Porous Media 13th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery (ECMOR XIII) Garipov , T. T., Levonyan, K. A., F, M. K., Tchelepi, H. A. 2012
  • Trust-region Based Nonlinear Solver for Counter-current Two-phase Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media 13th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery (ECMOR XIII) Wang, X., Tchelepi, H. A. 2012
  • Tie-simplex-based Nonlinear Solver for Mass-variables Compositional Formulation 13th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery (ECMOR XIII) Voskov, D. V., Tchelepi, H. A. 2012
  • Lazy K-Way Linear Combination Kernels for Efficient Runtime Sparse Jacobian Matrix Evaluations in C++ Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering Younis, R. M., Tchelepi, H. A. 2012: 333–342
  • Algebraic Multiscale Linear Solver for Heterogeneous Elliptic Problems Wang, Y., Hajibeygi, H., Tchelepi, H. A. 2012
  • Multi-Core and GPU Parallelization of a General Purpose Reservoir Simulator 13th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery (ECMOR XIII) Zhou, Y., Tchelepi, H. A. 2012
  • How Fast Is Your Newton-Like Nonlinear Solver? 13th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery (ECMOR XIII) Younis, R. M., Tchelepi, H. A. 2012
  • A multiscale method for subsurface inverse modeling: Single-phase transient flow ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES Fu, J., Caers, J., Tchelepi, H. A. 2011; 34 (8): 967-979
  • Stability, Accuracy, and Efficiency of Sequential Methods for Coupled Flow and Geomechanics SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium Kim, J., Tchelepi, H. A., Juanes, R. SOC PETROLEUM ENG. 2011: 249–62
  • Stability and convergence of sequential methods for coupled flow and geomechanics: Drained and undrained splits COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING Kim, J., Tchelepi, H. A., Juanes, R. 2011; 200 (23-24): 2094-2116
  • Compositional Nonlinear Solver Based on Trust Regions of the Flux Function Along KeyTie-lines 2011 Reservoir Simulation Symposium, , Voskov, D. V., Tchelepi, H. A. 2011
  • Compositional Flow Simulation Using Reduced-Variables and Stability-Analysis Bypassing Reservoir Simulation Symposium Pan, H., Tchelepi, H. A. 2011
  • A Negative-Flash Tie-Simplex Approach for Multiphase Reservoir Simulation 2011 Reservoir Simulation Symposium, , Feb. 21-23. Iranshahr, A., Voskov, D., Tchelepi, H. A. 2011
  • Stability and convergence of sequential methods for coupled flow and geomechanics: Fixed-stress and fixed-strain splits COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING Kim, J., Tchelepi, H. A., Juanes, R. 2011; 200 (13-16): 1591-1606
  • Automatic Differentiation Framework for Compositional Simulation on Unstructured Grids with Multi-Point Discretization Schemes 2011 Reservoir Simulation Symposium Feb. 21-23 Zhou, Y., Tchelepi, H. A., Mallison, B. T. 2011
  • Generalized negative-flash method for multiphase multicomponent systems FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA Iranshahr, A., Voskov, D., Tchelepi, H. A. 2010; 299 (2): 272-284
  • A joint velocity-concentration PDF method for tracer flow in heterogeneous porous media WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH Meyer, D. W., Jenny, P., Tchelepi, H. A. 2010; 46
  • Convective dissolution of carbon dioxide in saline aquifers GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS Neufeld, J. A., Hesse, M. A., Riaz, A., Hallworth, M. A., Tchelepi, H. A., Huppert, H. E. 2010; 37
  • Particle-based transport model with Markovian velocity processes for tracer dispersion in highly heterogeneous porous media WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH Meyer, D. W., Tchelepi, H. A. 2010; 46
  • A multiscale adjoint method to compute sensitivity coefficients for flow in heterogeneous porous media ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES Fu, J., Tchelepi, H. A., Caers, J. 2010; 33 (6): 698-709
  • Numerical Simulation of the In-Situ Upgrading of Oil Shale SPE JOURNAL Fan, Y., Durlofsky, L. J., Tchelepi, H. A. 2010; 15 (2): 368-381
  • Tie-Simplex Parameterization for EOS-Based Thermal Compositional Simulation SPE JOURNAL Iranshahr, A., Voskov, D. V., Tchelepi, H. A. 2010; 15 (2): 545-556
  • Adaptively Localized Continuation-Newton Method Nonlinear Solvers That Converge All the Time SPE JOURNAL YOUNIS, R. M., Tchelepi, H. A., AZIZ, K. 2010; 15 (2): 526-544
  • Continuation of the Tie-simplex Space for Three-phase Thermal-compositiona Systems 12th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery (ECMOR XII) Iranshahr, A., Voskov, D. V., Tchelepi, H. A. 2010
  • CO2 TRAPPING IN SLOPING AQUIFERS: HIGH RESOLUTION NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS 18th International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR) Elenius, M. T., Tchelepi, H. A., Johannsen, K. INT CENTER NUMERICAL METHODS ENGINEERING. 2010: 279–286
  • Extended K-value Method for Multi-contact Miscible Displacements 12th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery (ECMOR XII) Rannou, G., Voskov, D. V., Tchelepi, H. A. 2010
  • Non-Iterative Phase Behavior Computation for General Compositional Problems Zaydullin, R., Voskov, D. V., Tchelepi, H. A. 2010: 2010
  • Reduced-Variables Method for General-Purpose Compositional Reservoir Simulation SPE International Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition Pan, H., Tchelepi, H. A. 2010: 2321–36
  • Adaptive multiscale finite-volume method for nonlinear multiphase transport in heterogeneous formations JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS Lee, S. H., Zhou, H., Tchelepi, H. A. 2009; 228 (24): 9036-9058
  • Experimental Study of CO2 Injection Into Saline Formations SPE JOURNAL Cinar, Y., Riaz, A., Tchelepi, H. A. 2009; 14 (4): 588-594
  • Unconditionally convergent nonlinear solver for hyperbolic conservation laws with S-shaped flux functions JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS Jenny, P., Tchelepi, H. A., Lee, S. H. 2009; 228 (20): 7497-7512
  • Tie-simplex based mathematical framework for thermodynamical equilibrium computation of mixtures with an arbitrary number of phases FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA Voskov, D. V., Tchelepi, H. A. 2009; 283 (1-2): 1-11
  • Compositional Space Parameterization: Multicontact Miscible Displacements and Extension to Multiple Phases 2008 SPE/DOE Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery Voskov, D. V., Tchelepi, H. A. SOC PETROLEUM ENG. 2009: 441–49
  • Compositional Space Parameterization: Theory and Application for Immiscible Displacements 2007 SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium Voskov, D. V., Tchelepi, H. A. SOC PETROLEUM ENG. 2009: 431–40
  • Stability Criteria for Thermal Adaptive Implicit Compositional Flows SPE JOURNAL Moncorge, A., Tchelepi, H. A. 2009; 14 (2): 311-322
  • A New Method for Thermodynamic Equilibrium Computation of Systems with an Arbitrary Number of Phases SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium Fraces, C., Voskov, D. V., Tchelepi, H. A. 2009
  • General Nonlinear Solution Strategies for Multi-Phase Multi-component EoS Based Simulation SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium Voskov, D. V., Younis, R. M., Tchelepi, H. A. 2009
  • Scalable Multi-stage Linear Solver for Coupled Systems of Multi- segment Wells and Complex Reservoir Models SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium, Jiang, Y., Tchelepi, H. A. 2009
  • MODELING UNSTABLE FLOW DYNAMICS IN POROUS MEDIA ASSOCIATED WITH CO2 SEQUESTRATION ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition Riaz, A., Cinar, Y., Tchelepi, H. AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. 2009: 41–43
  • Gravity Currents with Residual Trapping 9th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Hesse, M. A., Orr, F. M., Tchelepi, H. A. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. 2009: 3275–81

    View details for DOI 10.1137/080724502

    View details for Web of Science ID 000268859500022

  • Tie Simplex Based Parametrization for Compositional Reservoir Simulation ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition Voskov, D., Tchelepi, H. A. AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. 2009: 73–76
  • A NEW MIXED FINITE ELEMENT AND ITS RELATED FINITE VOLUME DISCRETIZATION ON GENERAL HEXAHEDRAL GRIDS ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition Matringe, S. F., Juanes, R., Tchelepi, H. A. AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. 2009: 77–87
  • Tracing Streamlines on Unstructured Grids From Finite Volume Discretizations 2006 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition Matringe, S. F., Juanes, R., Tchelepi, H. A. SOC PETROLEUM ENG. 2008: 423–31
  • Compositional space parametrization for miscible displacement simulation TRANSPORT IN POROUS MEDIA Voskov, D., Tchelepi, H. A. 2008; 75 (1): 111-128
  • Gravity currents with residual trapping JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS Hesse, M. A., Orr, F. M., Tchelepi, H. A. 2008; 611: 35-60
  • Dynamics of vertical displacement in porous media associated with CO2 sequestration 2006 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition Riaz, A., Tchelepi, H. A. SOC PETROLEUM ENG. 2008: 305–13
  • Multiscale finite-volume formulation for multiphase flow in porous media: black oil formulation of compressible, three-phase flow with gravity COMPUTATIONAL GEOSCIENCES Lee, S. H., Wolfsteiner, C., Tchelepi, H. A. 2008; 12 (3): 351-366
  • Special issue on multiscale methods for flow and transport in heterogeneous porous media COMPUTATIONAL GEOSCIENCES Juanes, R., Tchelepi, H. A. 2008; 12 (3): 255-256
  • A Lagrangian, stochastic modeling framework for multi-phase flow in porous media JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS Tyagi, M., Jenny, P., Lunati, I., Tchelepi, H. A. 2008; 227 (13): 6696-6714
  • Operator-based multiscale method for compressible flow 2007 SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium Zhou, H., Tchelepi, H. A. SOC PETROLEUM ENG. 2008: 267–73
  • Convergence of implicit monotone schemes with applications in multiphase flow in porous media SIAM JOURNAL ON NUMERICAL ANALYSIS Kwok, F., Tchelepi, H. A. 2008; 46 (5): 2662-2687

    View details for DOI 10.1137/070703922

    View details for Web of Science ID 000257746600020

  • Compositional Parameterization for Multiphase Flow in Porous Media SPE/DOE Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery Voskov, D. V., Tchelepi, H. A. 2008

    View details for DOI 10.1137/070705015

    View details for Web of Science ID 000260847400019

  • Potential-based reduced Newton algorithm for nonlinear multiphase flow in porous media JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS Kwok, F., Tchelepi, H. 2007; 227 (1): 706-727
  • Stability of two-phase vertical flow in homogeneous porous media PHYSICS OF FLUIDS Riaz, A., Tchelepi, H. 2007; 19 (7)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.2742975

    View details for Web of Science ID 000248486100006

  • Adaptive multiscale finite-volume framework for reservoir simulation 2005 SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium Tchelepi, H. A., Jenny, P., Lee, S. H., Wolfsteiner, C. SOC PETROLEUM ENG. 2007: 188–95
  • Streamline tracing on general triangular or quadrilateral grids 2005 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition Matringe, S. F., Juanes, R., Tchelepi, H. A. SOC PETROLEUM ENG. 2007: 217–23
  • Gravity currents in horizontal porous layers: transition from early to late self-similarity JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS Hesse, M. A., Tchelepi, H. A., Cantwell, B. J., Orr, F. M. 2007; 577: 363-383
  • Forced imbibition in natural porous media: Comparison between experiments and continuum models PHYSICAL REVIEW E Riaz, A., Tang, G., Tchelepi, H. A., Kovscek, A. R. 2007; 75 (3)


    A well-characterized set of large-scale laboratory experiments is presented, illustrating forced imbibition displacements in the presence of irreducible wetting phase saturation in a cylindrical, homogeneous Berea sandstone rock. Experiments are designed to operate in the regime of compact microscopic flows and large-scale viscous instability. The distribution of fluid phases during the flow process is visualized by high-resolution computed tomography imaging. Linear stability analysis and high-accuracy numerical simulations are employed to analyze the ability of macroscopic continuum equations to provide a consistent approximation of the displacement process. The validity of the equilibrium relative permeability functions, which form the basis for the continuum model, is fundamentally related to the stability of the displacement process. It is shown that not only is the stable flow regime modeled accurately by existing continuum models, but the onset of instability as well as the initial unstable modes are also determined with reasonable accuracy for unstable flows. However, the continuum model is found to be deficient in the case of fully developed unstable flows.

    View details for DOI 10.1103/PhysRevE.75.036305

    View details for Web of Science ID 000245324700043

    View details for PubMedID 17500789

  • Compositional Space Parameterization for Flow Simulation SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium Voskov, D., Tchelepi, H. A. 2007
  • Robust Discretization for Reservoir Simulation on Three Dimensional Unstructured Grids SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium Matringe, S. F., Juanes, R., Tchelepi, H. A. 2007
  • Experimental Study of CO2 Injection into Saline Formations SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition Cinar, Y., Riaz, A., Tchelepi, H. A. 2007
  • Robust streamline tracing for the simulation of porous media flow on general triangular and quadrilateral grids JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS Matringe, S. F., Juanes, R., Tchelepi, H. A. 2006; 219 (2): 992-1012
  • Adaptive fully implicit multi-scale finite-volume method for multi-phase flow and transport in heterogeneous porous media JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS Jenny, P., Lee, S. H., Tchelepi, H. A. 2006; 217 (2): 627-641
  • Influence of relative permeability on the stability characteristics of immiscible flow in porous media TRANSPORT IN POROUS MEDIA Riaz, A., Tchelepi, H. A. 2006; 64 (3): 315-338
  • Conditional statistical moment equations for dynamic data integration in heterogeneous reservoirs 2005 SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium Li, L., Tchelepi, H. A. SOC PETROLEUM ENG. 2006: 280–88
  • Onset of convection in a gravitationally unstable diffusive boundary layer in porous media JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS Riaz, A., Hesse, M., Tchelepi, H. A., Orr, F. M. 2006; 548: 87-111
  • Numerical simulation of immiscible two-phase flow in porous media PHYSICS OF FLUIDS Riaz, A., Tchelepi, H. A. 2006; 18 (1)

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.2166388

    View details for Web of Science ID 000235015200016

  • Scaling Analysis of the Migration of CO2 in Saline Aquifers SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition Hesse, M., Tchelepi, H. A., Orr, Jr., F. M. 2006
  • Resolving Density Fingering During CO2 Sequestration: A Challenge for Reservoir Simulation CO2SC Symposium Hesse, M. A., Riaz, A., Tchelepi, H. A. 2006
  • Black Oil Formulation for the Multiscale Finite Volume Mthod Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR - XVI) Lee, S. H., Wolfsteiner, C., Tchelepi, H. A. 2006
  • Robust Discretization Method for Tensor Permeabilities and Unstructured Grids Tenth European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery Matringe, S. F., Juanes, R., Tchelepi, H. A. 2006
  • Multi-Scale Approach for Multi-Phase Flow in Porous Media Using Stochastic Particles Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR - XVI) Jenny, P., Tyagi, M., Tchelepi, H. A., Lunati, E. 2006
  • Uncertainty Assessment of Transport in Porous Media Based on a Probability Density Function Method Tenth European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery Jenny, P., Tchelepi, H. A., Meyer, D. W. 2006
  • Stability Criteria for the Thermal Adaptive Implicit Method SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition Agarwal, A., Moncorge, A., Tchelepi, H. A. 2006
  • Tracing Streamlines on Unstructured Grids From Finite Volume Discretizations SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition Matringe, S. F., Juanes, R., Tchelepi, H. A. 2006
  • Well modeling in the multiscale finite volume method for subsurface flow simulation MULTISCALE MODELING & SIMULATION Wolfsteiner, C., Lee, S. H., Tchelepi, H. A. 2006; 5 (3): 900-917

    View details for DOI 10.1137/050640771

    View details for Web of Science ID 000242572200008

  • Reservoir Studies: Dynamic Study Encyclopedia of Hydrocarbons - 50th Anniversary of ENI-Agip Oil Company Tchelepi, H. A. ENI-Agip Oil Company, Italy. 2005
  • Advances in Reservoir Simulation Proceedings of the 8th International Forum on Reservoir Simulation Tchelepi, H. A., Aziz, K. 2005
  • Streamline Tracing on General Triangular or Quadrilateral Grids SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition Matringe, S. F., Juanes, R., Tchelepi, H. A. 2005
  • An Extensible Architecture for Next Generation Scalable Parallel Reservoir Simulation 19th SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium Debaun, et al., D. 2005
  • Adaptive multiscale finite-volume method for multiphase flow and transport in porous media MULTISCALE MODELING & SIMULATION Jenny, P., Lee, S. H., Tchelepi, H. A. 2005; 3 (1): 50-64

    View details for DOI 10.1137/030600795

    View details for Web of Science ID 000227305700003

  • An Adaptive Multiphase Multiscale Finite Volume Simulator for Heterogeneous Reservoirs 19th SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium The Woodlands, Texas Tchelepi, H. A., Jenny, P., Lee, S. H., Wolfsteiner, C. 2005
  • Application of an Efficient Multiscale Finite Volume Simulator to Practical Reservoir Models SPE International Petroleum Technology Conference (IPTC) Wolfsteiner, C., Gadelle, F., Lee, S. H., Tchelepi, H. A. 2005
  • Parallel Scalable Unstructured CPR-Type Linear Solver for Reservoir Simulation SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition October 9 - 12 Cao, H., Tchelepi, H. A., Wallis, J. R., Yardumian, H. 2005
  • Linear stability analysis of immiscible two-phase flow in porous media with capillary dispersion and density variation PHYSICS OF FLUIDS Riaz, A., Tchelepi, H. A. 2004; 16 (12): 4727-4737

    View details for DOI 10.1063/1.1812511

    View details for Web of Science ID 000225199200042

  • Implicit-Explicit (IE) Preconditioning for Adaptive Implicit Systems ChevronTexaco/Schlumberger Technical Alliance Wallis, J. R., Cao, H., Tchelepi, H. A. 2004
  • Statistical Moment Equations for Flow in Composite Heterogeneous Porous Media Ninth European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery Li, L., Tchelepi, H. A. 2004
  • Unmatached Multiblock Grids for Simulation of Geometrically Complex Reservoirs Ninth European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery Wolfsteiner, C., Lee, S. H., Tchelepi, H. A., Jenny, P., Chen, W. H. 2004
  • Conditional stochastic moment equations for uncertainty analysis of flow in heterogeneous reservoirs 2003 SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium Li, L., Tchelepi, H. A. SOC PETROLEUM ENG. 2003: 392–400
  • Perturbation-based moment equation approach for flow in heterogeneous porous media: applicability range and analysis of high-order terms JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS Li, L. Y., Tchelepi, H. A., Zhang, D. X. 2003; 188 (1): 296-317
  • Multi-scale finite-volume method for elliptic problems in subsurface flow simulation JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS Jenny, P., Lee, S. H., Tchelepi, H. A. 2003; 187 (1): 47-67
  • Block Smoothed Aggregation Algebraic Multigrid for Reservoir Simulation Systems Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods Papadopoulos, A., Tchelepi, H. A. 2003
  • New Developments in Multiblock Reservoir Simulation: Black Oil Modeling, Nonmatching Subdomains and Near-Well Upscaling SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium Lee, S. H., Wolfsteiner, C., Durlofsky, L. J., Jenny, P., Tchelepi, H. A. 2003
  • Implementation of a flux-continuous finite-difference method for stratigraphic, hexahedron grids 1999 SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium Lee, S. H., Tchelepi, H. A., Jenny, P., DeChant, L. J. SOC PETROLEUM ENG. 2002: 267–77
  • A finite-volume method with hexahedral multiblock grids for modeling flow in porous media COMPUTATIONAL GEOSCIENCES Lee, S. H., Jenny, P., Tchelepi, H. A. 2002; 6 (3-4): 353-379
  • Stochastic formulation for uncertainty analysis of two-phase flow in heterogeneous reservoirs 1999 SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium Zhang, D. X., Li, L. Y., Tchelepi, H. A. SOC PETROLEUM ENG. 2000: 60–70
  • Stochastic Formulation for Uncertainty Assessment of Two-Phase Flow in Heterogeneous Reservoirs SPE Journal Zhang, D., Li, L., Tchelepi, H. A. 2000; 5 (1): 60-70
  • Stochastic Analysis of Immiscible Two-Phase Flow in Heterogeneous Media SPE JOURNAL Zhang, D., Tchelepi, H. 1999; 4 (4): 380-388
  • Practical use of scale up and parallel reservoir simulation technologies in field studies 1997 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition Tchelepi, H. A., Durlofsky, L. J., Chen, W. H., Bernath, A., Chien, M. C. SOC PETROLEUM ENG. 1999: 368–76
  • Stochastic Analysis of Immiscible Two-Phase Flow in Heterogeneous Media SPE Journal Zhang, D., Tchelepi, H. A. 1999; 4 (4): 380-388
  • A Scalable Parallel Multi-Purpose Reservoir Simulator SPE Reservoir Simulation Sypmposium Chien, M. H., Tchelepi, H. A., Yardumian, H. E., Chen, W. H. 1997
  • Multigrid Applied to Implicit Well Problems Fifth European Multigrid Confernece Dendy, Jr., J. E., Tchelepi, H. A. 1996
  • Unstable Flow in 2D and 3D Heterogeneous Porous Media International Energy Agency Workshop on Enhanced Oil Recovery Tchelepi, H. A., Orr, Jr., F. M. 1994
  • Effect of Electroosmosis on Relative Permeabilities of Sandstones J.Pet. Sci. Eng. Aggour, M. A., Tchelepi, H. A., Al-Yousef, H. Y. 1994; 11 (2): 91-102
  • On the validity of macroscopic viscous fingering models for 2D and 3D-flows 4th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery (ECMOR IV) FAYERS, F. J., JOUAUX, F., Tchelepi, H. ICMOR IV. 1994: 1–21
  • Interactions of Viscous Fingering, Permeability Heterogeneity and Gravity Segregation in 2D and 3D Flows in Porous Media International Engery Agency Workshop on Enhanced Oil Recovery Tchelepi, H. A., Orr, Jr., F. M. 1993