Captioning and Transcription


Want your videos captioned for accessibility, or to help with search engine optimization? We can help.

Services include:

  • YouTube / Vimeo captioning
  • iTunesU captioning
  • Text transcriptions
  • Interactive transcripts

Please note:

  • Captioning can be quite expensive ($2-$5/minute of content).
  • Captioning can take a while (5-10 business days)
  • Captioning is rarely perfect without any review
  • For greatest accuracy, plan to review the transcript before publishing


Transcriptions are the first step in the captioning process and are essentially a person typing out the transcript while listening to the audio or video.  This is the majority of the cost for captioning and is including in the captioning rates.

Transcriptions alone (without captioning) are often used for larger edits to aide in selecting sound bytes from interviews. Typically we will send you a video with timecode along with a text transcript with timecode stamps to follow along.

Interactive transcript
For advanced interaction with your videos, we can help customize an interactive transcript on your website to help engage your viewers and increase search engine optimization.

Interactive Transcript example


Post-production Supervisor
(650) 736-8047