[Published July 2017]

Get ready to join the Escondido Village Graduate Residences (EVGR) Car Free Club! Enrollment begins in August, and the program launches on Sept. 1, 2017.  You could receive a sign-up bonus when you join! 

Here’s how it works:

Sign-up Bonus

  • You will receive one month of bonus points when you join the EVGR Car Free Club.
  • After you complete one month without purchasing a long-term permit, you will be able to redeem your bonus points for prizes, such as credit for online delivery services, ride-hailing reimbursements, and more.

Once you join and as long as you remain the EVGR Car Free Club, you will earn points for each month you remain car free.

Driving credit for all members

Once you join the EVGR Car Free Club, you’ll also receive the following:

  • Free Zipcar membership
  • One hour of free driving credit for each month you remain a member

You are eligible for this program if you meet these requirements:

  • Live in Escondido Village, Rains, or Mirrielees
  • One of the following applies:
    • You do not purchase a long-term parking permit for the 2017-18 academic year
    • You return the long-term parking permit you have.

Earn points all year

Most rewards in the EVGR Car Free Club are based on a point system.

Each month you remain in the EVGR Car Free Club, you’ll receive more points. No action needed on your part other than living car free!

We’ll hold a quarterly drawing with dozens of winners each quarter. If your name is drawn, you get to cash in your points for rewards via our online portal. The longer you remain in the club, the more points you will be able to redeem.

Choose from a menu of incentives. Invest in one incentive or diversify your rewards. Different items carry different point values.

What your points will “buy”:

  • Ridehailing services  –  Lyft, Uber and taxi rides
  • Online shopping  – Amazon and Google Express
  • Transit  –  Caltrain day passes, pre-loaded Clipper cards

The EVGR Car Free Club is an annual program. If your name isn’t drawn by the end of the academic year, redeem  your points for a membership gift.

Enrollment for the EVGR Car Free Club begins in August. Join as soon as enrollment is open to receive your one month of bonus points and maximize the points you will earn for the year.

Need help going car free? Check out the many alternatives to having your own car on campus.


Photo: Steve Castillo
For more information about this incentive program, please visit our EVGR Car Free Club web pages or contact us at gocarfree@stanford.edu.