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Washington, DC
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  1. How can educators develop compassion and caring in their students? Via

  2. SEC Chair White Says She Will Step Down At The End of Obama's Term

  3. The key to 's 50-state, 50-year strategy for the DNC? Young people and the working class:

  4. Dale Dougherty, a founding father of the Maker Movement, says it's helping Americans rediscover learning by doing.

  5. Male Birth Control Trial Follows A Long History Of Putting Men First

  6. Detroit Council member: City won't back down on pro-immigrant policies

  7. Pump Up The Sound, Regulators Tell Makers Of Electric And Hybrid Cars

  8. 4 things to know about ’s plan to crackdown on illegal immigration

  9. Election shows weakened labor support for the Democratic Party

  10. Retracing the Steps of Psychedelic Outlaws on an LSD Mission From God

  11. US veterans courts grow quickly but inconsistently

  12. Mayor Rahm Emanuel: 'Chicago Always Will Be A Sanctuary City'

  13. 4/4 Tweet us tonight at or call 212-433-9692. We'll be joined by . Share your thoughts on air or online.

  14. Tonight we will be re-airing "An Evening with Gwen Ifill," a 2014 interview of Gwen by NPR journalist Michele Norris. Please join us at 8pm.

  15. Leonard Cohen was a "poster child for living sensually, growing spiritually, aging gracefully and dying graciously"

  16. 🔊 said "I was drawn to journalism ... to be the necessary voice ... to broaden the stage for the debate."

  17. Do crime prevention algorithms increase or decrease racial bias? audio/podcast

  18. Remembering Journalist Gwen Ifill, who died earlier today. She was 61.

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