Stanford Engineeringحساب تایید شده


At the Stanford School of Engineering, we seek solutions to important global problems and educate leaders who will make the world a better place.

Stanford, CA
در ۱۳۸۷ بهمن پیوسته است


@StanfordEng را مسدود کردید

مطمئن اید که می‌خواهید این توییت‌ها را ببینید؟ دیدن توییت‌ها، @StanfordEng را از مسدودشدگی در نمی‌آورد.

  1. ۱۴ ساعت پیش

    A new algorithm outperforms radiologists in disease diagnosis. This tool could one day expedite care, empowering primary care doctors to make informed decisions about X-rays without having to wait for a radiologist.

  2. آذر ۹

    Networks of sensors around the world are collecting massive streams of data on earthquakes and reshaping our knowledge about how we measure them, what causes them and how we can better prepare for them.

  3. آذر ۹

    .: You can either have companies take on responsibility for the communication that happens on social platforms or you can preserve people's privacy. You can't have both.

  4. آذر ۹

    .: A lot of people like to talk about regulating social media, but what they're really talking about is regulating free speech.

  5. آذر ۹

    .: We are never going back to an era when a small number of people are controlling the flow of information.

  6. آذر ۹

    .: A lot of companies are moving with a lot of caution when it comes to using AI in hiring. They know that bad data in means bad data out. At minimum they understand that supervision is necessary.

  7. آذر ۹

    .: Social networks are pervasive in hiring. On the lower end, some estimate that 50% of jobs are found through social networks.

  8. آذر ۹

    Tune in! We're streaming the live-taping of The Future of Everything with , and .

  9. آذر ۹

    In 10 minutes, we'll live tweet from the live-taping of The Future of Everything with , and .

  10. آذر ۸

    Tune In: At 7:00pmPT we’re streaming this evening’s live-taping of The Future of Everything with , and .

  11. آذر ۸

    An electronic glove gives robots a sense of touch. The technology makes it possible for robots to touch a delicate berry or handle a pingpong ball without squashing them.

  12. آذر ۷

    In addition to making energy, what if solar panels could save energy? ​A new rooftop device under development will be able to produce electricity from sunlight while also beaming heat directly into space to cool buildings.

  13. بازتوییت کرد
    آذر ۵

    . professor Zhenan Bao and her team have developed an electronic glove that gives robotic hands a bit of the manual dexterity humans take for granted.

  14. بازتوییت کرد
    آذر ۶

    Glove with sensors allows robots to handle delicate fruit by measuring the intensity and direction of pressure.

  15. آذر ۵

    : For me, classifying different parts of campus to left-brain-versus-right-brain kind of thinking is just an unfortunate stereotype. I much rather go with “creativity is creativity is creativity.”

  16. آبان ۲۹

    How can we design electronic devices that don’t overheat? ​A new thermal transistor could help conduct heat away from delicate electronic components and also insulate them against chip and circuit failure.

  17. آبان ۲۸

    I’m a quantum engineer. My PhD research is in atomic physics. We use lasers and vacuum chambers to study atoms. —Jacob Hines, MS ’19, Electrical Engineering; PhD Candidate, Applied Physics

  18. آبان ۲۵

    Deadly bacteria are no match for this new antibiotic treatment plan. The strategy — deploy a small molecular attachment that would help conventional antibiotics penetrate and destroy their targets.

  19. آبان ۲۴

    Computer models could transform cardiovascular surgery. Deeper mathematical understanding of the heart and greater computing power have joined forces to reshape possibilities in pediatric heart surgery.

  20. آبان ۲۱

    Your toaster may know more about you than you think. As internet-enabled devices carry more sensitive user information, a new system aims to protect privacy.


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