For Faculty

Faculty & Departments: Certify Courses for Ways

Certify Courses

You may submit a new course for Ways certification at any time. Courses are reviewed on a rolling monthly basis and uploaded to Explore Courses on a rolling basis. If you want a course to appear in Explore Courses at the beginning of Open Enrollment, you must submit the course no later than the quarterly deadline. However, we encourage you to submit it as early as possible in the event the Breadth Governance board (BGB) has any questions or requests more information. This will allow you sufficient time to revise and resubmit the course/syllabus the following month.  Courses which have been previously certified for Ways do not need to be resubmitted at this time.  

The deadline for submitting new courses for academic year 2017-18 is as follows:

  • Winter Quarter - September 27, 2017
  • Spring Quarter - January 3, 2018
  • Summer Quarter - March 6, 2018
  • Autumn Quarter (AY 2018-19) - May 2, 2018

The Ways Syllabus Guidelines will help you identify the Way category that best fits your course.  Most importantly, it spells out what elements are needed in a Ways-certified course/syllabus.

Instructions for Submissions will guide you through the registration process using the Ways Course Registration Tool.

An email notification will be sent to the instructor after your submission has been reviewed.  You may also check Explore Courses or in the “View/Edit” mode to view the results of the course review.

Please refer to our FAQs for answers to frequently asked questions regarding course certifications.


Faculty Guidance

For detailed information about the mission of the Ways Program, essential elements, the rationale, and learning outcomes for each Way, please review More Details about Each Way.

See Also