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Hoagland Award for Innovations in Undergraduate Education

The Hoagland Award Fund addresses an urgent and felt need of the faculty for a source of funds specifically earmarked for pedagogical innovation. Innovative teaching approaches may be embodied in an entirely new course or set of courses, the major redesign of an existing course or courses, or a project to reexamine or rethink aspects of a curriculum with an emphasis on reconsidered pedagogy and new learning materials. The proposed project may involve one faculty member or a team, though preference will be given to projects likely to have greater impact either because of the number of faculty/departments/programs involved, the depth or breadth of student engagement, or the likelihood that the project will be a model for other Stanford courses.

Established in 2007 by Laurance, '58, and Gay, '59, Hoagland, the fund succeeds the Hoagland Prize for Undergraduate Teaching, which the couple established in 1986 to honor faculty for outstanding undergraduate teaching. Recent successful proposals, for example, included: a plan to foster greater student critical thinking through case study discussions, a new inquiry-based laboratory course, and a project to introduce the use of mobile devices and 3-D visualization tools in an introductory course.

We anticipate funding three to four projects at the $20,000–$30,000 range each year; however, in the case of particularly ambitious and promising projects, funding up to a maximum of $50,000 per year, and for periods of up to three years, will be considered.


Applications should be submitted electronically to Sharon Palmer, Associate Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, at by April 30, 2016.

Please note that winning submissions may be used as examples for future prospective applicants on the VPUE website (with budget figures redacted) unless you explicitly request otherwise.

Important information impacting equipment and compensation requests

Equipment Eligibility:

Modest equipment incidental to the project will be considered but lab equipment or computers are not a target of this initiative. Equipment expenses are carefully reviewed and require substantial cost-sharing with the department.


In compelling circumstances, faculty can request an administrative supplement to be paid over the course of the year (and should include applicable benefits) and up to a 50% TA for one quarter (any tuition remission costs should be indicated). Department chair or program director approval for supplemental compensation is assumed to be covered by the letter of general support for the proposal.  Should VPUE fund a grant proposal that includes supplemental faculty pay, VPUE HR will notify the cognizant Faculty Affairs Officer (FAO), and the FAO will obtain any necessary approvals from the school dean’s office and/or provost’s office. Payments will be initiated by VPUE, once VPUE staff are notified that appropriate approvals are in place. Faculty should review the Faculty Handbook, chapter 5.1.c. for policies regarding supplemental pay.

Staff compensation must be approved by the relevant Human Resources Manager.  Lecturers and Other Teaching Staff should have an ongoing appointment through the entire term of the proposal.  If their academic appointment lapses (e.g. over the summer), the department or program may appoint the individual as a Lecturer, Other Teaching Staff or staff (RBE or contingent depending on responsibilities and pay), in accordance with school and university policies.

Who Can Apply

Faculty Teams , Individual Faculty
Curriculum and Course Development

Contact Information:

Shari Palmer
(650) 723-4504


April 30, 2017

Funded By: