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Team Leader, Student Technology

Student Technology Team Leaders work under the Program Leaders to manage 5-10 student staff (e.g., RCCs, PTSs), spread across different residences, that constitute an team.  To do so, Student Leaders regularly check-in with the members on their teams to ensure that all is well in their respective residences. The Student Leaders also make themselves available at reasonable times to help their more inexperienced team members resolve unfamiliar issues or conflicts. Team Leaders may also collaborate with the Program Leaders to improve the Student Technology program, both by generating new ideas or executing collaborative strategies.


Specifically, Team Leaders will spend their working hours by:

  • Acting as an informational resource to newer team members who have questions, via Slack

  • Monitoring the performance of members on their team, via Zendesk

  • Escalating unresolved issues to program leaders or full-time staff, via Slack or Possum

  • Regularly meeting with their team, as well as other Team Leaders and Program Leaders


Occasionally, a Team Leader may also:

  • Contribute as a guest lecturer for staff training and/or CS 196

  • Plan events for student staff to share knowledge and strengthen the community

  • Represent student staff on an official level to the rest of the university.


The best Team Leaders are those who:

  • Have, or will quickly obtain, a deep understanding of Stanford’s computing resources.

  • Can organize other team members and connect them to resources or experts they will occasionally need in the course of the job.

  • Are readily available via email and/or Slack to provide quick assistance to other team members.


Minimum Qualifications: 

Team leaders must be juniors, seniors, or graduate students and have current or former experience in the Student Technology program roles.

Academic Year