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Academic Skills Coaching

“I feel like I never have enough time.”

“I study and study, but it doesn’t show on my exams.”

“I’m just not feeling motivated to do my work.”

Does this sound familiar? You are not alone. The pace, complexity, and volume of material encountered in the quarter system challenges students to learn more effectively and efficiently. The good news is, there are people here to help.

Academic Skills Coaching can provide you with a personal “trainer” who can observe your strategies and techniques, suggest changes to your approach, and provide encouragement as you implement new ways of learning.

Tackle common challenges like:

  • Procrastination
  • Test preparation
  • Test anxiety
  • Time management
  • Reading strategies


Meet with Your Coach        Appointments for Graduate Students

Upcoming Event

TA orientation | Sept  22, 2017
For all students who will be leading class sections and labs in the new academic year. Learn More >>  

Upcoming Event

NSO Orientation | Sept 19-24, 2017
New Student Orientation is required for all new undergraduate students. Learn More >>

Our Blog

The Next Step
As the year comes to its end do you find yourself exasperated or exhilarated? Read More >>