Fingate Cash Handling & Deposits / Funds Management > Gift Transmittals > Training


Becoming Proficient in Gift Transmittals

Acquiring skills necessary for using Gift Transmittals starts by completing required training.

The Gift Transmittal training program is designed for Stanford staff responsible for initiating, reviewing, routing, and approving gifts made to Stanford University.

Required Training for New Users

  • FIN-0190:  Initiating Gift Transmittals
    This course is designed for users who process monetary gifts using Stanford's Gift Transmittals system, including gift initiators and gift approvers. You'll learn the basics of the Gift Transmittals process, how to initiate a new gift, and how to track the processing of a gift using the Gift Transmittals workflow.

    Once you have completed the required training and your school / department grants you the "Gift User" authority, you will receive access to Gift Transmittals. See authorized authority grantors.

  • FIN-0191:  Approving Gift Transmittals
    This course is designed for users who are responsible for approving monetary gifts using Stanford's Gift Transmittals system. You'll learn how to approve a new gift, how to return a gift transmittal to its initiator, and how to track the processing of a gift using the Gift Transmittals workflow. You must complete FIN-190: Initiating Gift Transmittals prior to starting this course.

    Once you have completed the required training and your school / department grants you the "Gift Approver" authority, you will receive access to Gift Transmittals. See authorized authority grantors.

Ongoing Support

Step-by-step instructions for tasks performed in Gift Transmittals are available in the How To section.


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