
 P.L. Mage, B.S. Ferguson, D. Maliniak, K.L. Ploense, T.E. Kippin, and H.T. Soh.  “Closed-Loop Control of Circulating Drug Levels in Live Animals.”  Nature Biomedical Engineering (2017)

 DOI: 10.1038/s41551-017-0070

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J. Niu, D. Lunn, A. Pusuluri, J. Yoo, M. O’Malley, S. Mitragotri, H.T. Soh, and C.J. Hawker.  “Engineering live cell surfaces with functional polymers via cytocompatible controlled radical polymerization.”  Nature Chemistry (2017)

 DOI: 10.1038/nchem.2713

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T. Chuong, A. Pallaoro, C. Chaves, Z. Li, J. Lee, M. Eisenstein, G.D. Stucky, M. Moskovits, and H. T. Soh.  “A dual-reporter SERS-based biomolecular assay with reduced false-positive signals.”  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (In press 2017)

 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1700317114

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J.P Wang, J. McDermott, J. Yu, R. Lagrois, Q. Gong, W. Greenleaf, M. Eisenstein, B.S. Ferguson, and H.T. Soh.  “Multi-Parameter Particle Display (MPPD): A Quantitative Screening Method for Discovery of Highly Specific Aptamers.”  Angewandte Chemie International Edition 56 (3) 744-747 (2017)

 DOI: 10.1002/anie.201608880

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J. Niu, Z.A. Page, N.D. Dolinski, A. Anastasaki, A.T. Hsueh, H.T. Soh, and C.J. Hawker.  “Rapid Visible Light-Mediated Controlled Aqueous Polymerization with In Situ Monitoring.”  ACS Macro Letters (2017)

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M. Gotrik, T. Feagin, A.T. Csordas, M. Nakamoto, and H.T. Soh.  “Advancements in Aptamer Discovery Technologies.”  Accounts of Chemical Research 49 (9) 1903-1910 (2016)

 DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.6b00283 

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F. Fong, S-S Oh, J.C. Hawker, and H.T. Soh.  “In vitro selection of pH-activated DNA nanostructures.”  Angewandte Chemie International Edition 55 (49) 15258-15262 (2016)

 DOI: 10.1002/anie.201607540

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H. Qu, A.T. Csordas, J.P. Wang, S-S Oh, M. Eisenstein, and H.T. Soh.  “Rapid and label-free strategy to select aptamers for metal ions.” ACS Nano 10 (8) 7558-7565 (2016)

 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.6b02558

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A. Csordas, A. Jorgensen, J.P. Wang, E. Gruber, Q. Gong, E. Bagley, M. Nakamoto, M. Eisenstein, and H.T. Soh.  “High-throughput discovery of aptamers for sandwich assays.”  Analytical Chemistry 88 (22) 10842-10847 (2016)

 DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.6b03450

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S. O. Poelma, S-S Oh, S. Helmy, H. T. Soh, C. J. Hawker, and J. Read de Alaniz.  “Controlled Drug Release to Cancer Cells from Modular One-Photon Visible Light-Responsive Micellar System.”  Chemical Communications 52 (69) 10525-10528 (2016)

 DOI: 10.1039/C6CC04127B

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M. Cho, S-S. Oh, J. Nie, R. Stewart, M. Radeke, M. Eisenstein, P. Coffey, J. Thomson, and H.T. Soh.  “Array-Based Discovery of Aptamer Pairs.”  Analytical Chemistry 87 (1) 821-828 (2015)

 DOI: 10.1021/ac504076k

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K. Hsieh, B.S. Ferguson, M. Eisenstein, K.W. Plaxco, and H.T. Soh.  “Integrated electrochemical microsystems for genetic detection of pathogens at the point of care.”  Accounts of Chemical Research 48 (4) 911-920 (2015)

 DOI: 10.1021/ar500456w

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O. Jakobsson, S-S. Oh, M. Antfolk, M. Eisenstein, T. Laurell, and H.T. Soh.  “Thousand-fold volumetric concentration of live cells with a recirculating acoustofluidic device.”  Analytical Chemistry 87 (16) 8497-8502 (2015)

 DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b01944

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K. Hsieh, P.L. Mage, A.T. Csordas, M.S. Eisenstein, and H.T. Soh.  “Simultaneous Elimination of Carryover Contamination and Detection of DNA with Uracil-DNA-Glycosylase-Supplemented Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (UDG-LAMP).”  Chemical Communications 50 (28) 3747-3749 (2014)

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J.P. Wang, Q. Gong, N. Maheshwari, M. Eisenstein, M.L. Arcila, K.S. Kosik, and H.T. Soh.  “Particle Display: A Quantitative Screening Method for Generating High-Affinity Aptamers.”  Angewandte Chemie International Edition 53 (19) 4796-4801 (2014)

 DOI: 10.1002/anie.201309334

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A.H.J. Yang, K. Hsieh, A.S. Patterson, B.S. Ferguson, M. Eisenstein, K.W. Plaxco, and H.T. Soh.  “Accurate Zygote-Specific SNP Discrimination Using Microfluidic Electrochemical DNA Melt Curves.”  Angewandte Chemie International Edition 53 (12) 3163-3167 (2014)

 DOI: 10.1002/anie.201310059

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K.S. Park, S-S. Oh, H.T. Soh, and H.G Park.  “Target-controlled formation of silver nanoclusters in abasic site-incorporated duplex DNA for label-free fluorescent detection of theophylline.”  Nanoscale 6 (17) 9977-9982 (2014)

 DOI: 10.1039/C4NR00625A

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P. Jiang, Z. Hou, N.E. Propson, H.T. Soh, J.A. Thomson, and R. Stewart.  “MPBind: A Meta-Motif Based Statistical Framework and Pipeline to Predict Binding Potential of SELEX-derived Aptamers.”  Bioinformatics 30 (18) 2265-2267 (2014)

 DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btu348

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Y.K. Jung, M.A. Woo, H.T. Soh, and H.G. Park.  “Aptamer-Based Cell Imaging Reagents Capable of Fluorescence Switching.”  Chemical Communications 50 (82) 12329-12332 (2014)

 DOI: 10.1039/C4CC03888F

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F.M. Walker, K.M. Ahmad, M. Eisenstein, and H.T. Soh.  “Transformation of Personal Computers and Mobile Phones into Genetic Diagnostic Systems.”  Analytical Chemistry 86 (18) 9236-9241 (2014)

 DOI: 10.1021/ac5022419

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S-S. Oh, B. Lee, F. Leibfarth, M. Eisenstein, M. Robb, N. Lynd, C. Hawker, and H.T. Soh.  “Synthetic Aptamer-Polymer Hybrid Constructs for Programmed Drug Delivery into Specific Target Cells.”  Journal of the American Chemical Society 50 (82) 12329-12329 (2014)

 DOI: 10.1021/ja5079464

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S. Meyer, J.P. Maufort, J. Nie, R. Stewart, B. McIntosh, L. Conti, K.M. Ahmad, H.T. Soh, and J.A. Thomson.  “Development of an Efficient Targeted Cell-SELEX Procedure for DNA Aptamer Reagents.”  PLoS One 8 (8) e71798 (2013)

 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0071798

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A. Patterson, D. Heithoff, B.S. Ferguson, H.T. Soh, M. Mahan, and K.W. Plaxco.  “Microfluidic Chip-based Detection and Intraspecies Strain Discrimination of Salmonella Serovars Derived from Whole Blood of Septic Mice.”  Applied and Environmental Microbiology 4 (7) 2302-2311 (2013)

 DOI: 10.1128/AEM.03882-12

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B.S. Ferguson, D.A. Hoggarth, D. Maliniak, K. Ploense, R.J. White, N. Woodward, K. Hsieh, A.J. Bonham, M. Eisenstein, T. Kippin, K.W. Plaxco, and H.T. Soh.  “Real-time, aptamer-based tracking of circulating therapeutic agents in living animals.”  Science Translational Medicine 5 (213) 213ra165 (2013)

 DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.3007095

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S-S. Oh, K. Plaxco, Y. Xiao, M. Eisenstein, and H.T. Soh.  “In Vitro Selection of Shape-Changing DNA Nanostructures Capable of Binding-Induced Cargo Release.”  ACS Nano 7 (11) 9675-9683 (2013)

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A.S. Patterson, K. Hsieh, H.T. Soh, and K.W. Plaxco.  “Electrochemical Real-Time Nucleic Acid Amplification: Towards Point-of-Care Quantification of Pathogens.”  Trends in Biotechnology 31 (12) 704-712 (2013)

 DOI: 10.1016/j.tibtech.2013.09.005

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M. Cho, S-S. Oh, J. Nie, R. Stewart, M.S. Eisenstein, J. Chambers, J.D. Marth, F. Walker, J.A. Thomson, and H.T. Soh.  “Quantitative Selection and Parallel Characterization of Aptamers.”  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (46) 18460-18465 (2013)

 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1315866110

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J.P. Wang, J.F. Rudzinski, Q. Gong, H.T. Soh, and P.J. Atzberger.  “Influence of Target Concentration and Background Binding on In Vitro Selection of Affinity Reagents.”  PLoS One 7 (8) e43940 (2012)

 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0043940

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Q. Gong, J. Wang, K.M. Ahmad, A.T. Csordas, J. Zhou, J. Nie, R. Stewart, J. Thomson, J. Rossi, and H.T. Soh.  “Selection Strategy to Generate Aptamer Pairs that Bind to Distinct Sites on Protein Target.”  Analytical Chemistry 84 (12) 5365-5371 (2012)

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J.D. Adams, C.L. Ebbesen, R. Barnkob, A.H.J. Yang, H.T. Soh, and H. Bruus.  “High-throughput, Temperature-controlled Microchannel Acoustophoresis Device made with Rapid Prototyping.”  Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 22 (075017) 1-8 (2012)

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A.H.J. Yang and H.T. Soh.  “Acoustophoretic Sorting of Viable Mammalian Cells in a Microfluidic Device.”  Analytical Chemistry 84 (24) 10756-10762 (2012)

 DOI: 10.1021/ac3026674

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A. Bonham, K. Hsieh, B. Ferguson, A. Vallée-Bélisle, F. Ricci, H.T. Soh, and K.W.Plaxco.  “Quantification of Transcription Factor Binding in Cell Extracts using an Electrochemical, Structure-switching Biosensor.”  Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (7) 3346-3348 (2012)

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S. Deborggraeve, J.Y. Dai, Y. Xiao, and H.T. Soh.  “Controlling the Function of DNA Nanostructures with Specific Trigger Sequences.”  Chemical Communications 49 (4) 397-399 (2012)

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K. Hsieh, A.S. Patterson, B.S. Ferguson, K.W. Plaxco, and H.T. Soh.  “Rapid, Sensitive, and Quantitative Detection of Pathogenic DNA at the Point of Care via Microfluidic Electrochemical Quantitative Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (MEQ-LAMP).”   Angewandte Chemie International Edition 51 (20) 4896–4900 (2012)

 DOI: 10.1002/anie.201109115

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C.A. Olson, J. Nie, J. Diep, I. Al-Shyoukh, T.T. Takahashi, L.Q. Al-Mawsawi, J.M. Bolin, A.L. Elwell, S. Swanson, R. Stewart, J.A. Thomson, H.T. Soh, R.W. Roberts, and R. Sun.  “Single Round, Multiplexed Antibody Mimetic Design via mRNA Display.”  Angewandte Chemie International Edition 51 (50) 12449–12453 (2012)

 DOI: 10.1002/anie.201207005

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K. Ahmad, Y. Xiao, and H.T. Soh.  “Selection is more intelligent than design: improving the affinity of a bivalent ligand through directed evolution.”  Nucleic Acids Research 40 (22) 1-7 (2012)

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B.S. Ferguson, S.F. Buchsbaum, T-T. Wu, K. Hsieh, Y. Xiao, R. Su, and H.T. Soh.  “Genetic Analysis of H1N1 Influenza Virus from Throat Swab Samples in a Microfluidic System for Point-of-Care Diagnostics.”  Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 (23) 9129-9135 (2011)

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I. Olmsted, Y. Xiao, M. Cho, A. Csordas, J. Sheehan, J. Meiler, H.T. Soh, and D. Bornhop.  “Measurement of Aptamer-Protein Interactions with Back-Scattering Interferometry.”  Analytical Chemistry 83 (23) 8867-8870 (2011)

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J. Wang, Y. Liu, T. Teesalu, K.N. Sugahara, V.R. Kotamraju, J.D. Adams, B.S. Ferguson, Q. Gong, S-S. Oh, A.T. Csordas, M. Cho, E. Ruoslahti, Y. Xiao, and H.T. Soh.  “Selection of Phage-Displayed Peptides on Live Adherent Cells in Microfluidic Channels.”  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (17) 6909-6914 (2011)

 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1014753108

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K.M. Ahmad, S-S. Oh, S. Kim, F.M. McClellen, Y. Xiao, and H.T. Soh.  “Probing the Limits of Aptamer Affinity with a Microfluidic SELEX Platform.”  PLoS One 6 (11) e27051 (2011)

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D.R. Hayhurst, K.T. Kedward, H.T. Soh, and K.L. Turner.  “Innovation-Led Multi-Disciplinary Undergraduate Design Teaching.”  Journal of Engineering Design 23 (3) 159-184 (2011)

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X. Zuo, F. Xia, A. Patterson, H.T. Soh, Y. Xiao, and K.W. Plaxco.  “Two step, PCR-free Telomerase Detection using Exonuclease III Aided Target Recycling.”  ChemBioChem 12 (18) 2745-2447 (2011)

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K.W. Plaxco and H.T. Soh.  “Switch-based Biosensors: A New Approach Towards Real-time, In Vivo Molecular Detection.”  Trends in Biotechnology 29 (1) 1-5 (2011)

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K. Hsieh, R.J. White, B.S. Ferguson, K.W. Plaxco, Y. Xia, and H.T. Soh.  “Polarity-Switching Electrochemical Sensor for Specific Detection of Single-Nucleotide Mismatches.”  Angewandte Chemie International Edition 50 (47) 11176–11180 (2011)

 DOI: 10.1002/anie.201103482

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S-S. Oh, K. Ahmad, M. Cho, S. Kim, Y. Xiao, and H.T. Soh.  “Improving Aptamer Selection Efficiency through Volume Dilution, Magnetic Concentration, and Continuous Washing in Microfluidic Channels.”  Analytical Chemistry 83 (17) 6883-6889 (2011)

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R. White, H. Kallewaard, K. Hsieh, A. Patterson, J. Kasehagen, K. Cash, T. Uzawa, H.T. Soh, and K.W. Plaxco.  “A Wash-free, Electrochemical Platform for the Quantitative, Multiplexed Detection of Specific Antibodies.”  Analytical Chemistry 84 (2) 1098-1103 (2011)

 DOI: 10.1021/ac202757c

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C.A. Olson, J.D. Adams, T.T. Takahashi, H. Qi, S.M. Howell, T-T Wu, R.W. Roberts, R. Sun, and H.T. Soh.  “Rapid mRNA Display Selection of an IL-6 Inhibitor Using Continuous Flow Magnetic Separation.”  Angewandte Chemie International Edition 50 (36) 8295-8298 (2011)

 DOI: 10.1002/anie.201101149

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J. Kogot, Y. Zhang, S. Moore, P. Pagano, D. Stratis-Cullum, D. Chang-Yen, M. Turewicz, P. Pellegrino, A. de Fusco, H.T. Soh, and N. Stagliano.  “Screening of Peptide Libraries against Protective Antigen of Bacillus Anthracis in a Disposable Microfluidic Cartridge.”  PLoS One 6 (11) 1-9 (2011)

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M. Cho, Y. Xiao, J. Nie, R. Stewart, A. Csordas, S-S. Oh, J. Thomson, and H.T. Soh.  “Quantitative Selection of DNA Aptamers through Microfluidic Selection and High Throughput Sequencing.”  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (35) 15373-15378 (2010)

 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1009331107

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S-S. Oh, K. Plakos, X. Lou, Y. Xiao, and H.T. Soh.  “In Vitro Selection of Structure-Switching, Self-Reporting Aptamers.”  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (32) 14053-14058 (2010)

 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1009172107

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Y.K. Jung, T.W. Kim, H.G. Park, and H.T. Soh.  “Specific Colorimetric Detection of Proteins using Bidentate Aptamer-Conjugated Polydiacetylene (PDA) Liposomes.”  Advanced Functional Materials 20 (18) 3092-3097 (2010)

 DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201001008

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K. Hsieh, Y. Xiao, and H.T. Soh.  “Electrochemical DNA Detection via Exonuclease and Target-catalyzed Transformation of Surface-Bound Probe.”  Langmuir 26 (12) 10392-10396 (2010)

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P. Thévoz, J.D. Adams, H. Shea, H. Bruus, and H.T. Soh.  “Acoustophoretic Synchronization of Mammalian Cells in Microchannels.”  Analytical Chemistry 82 (7) 3094-3098 (2010)

 DOI: 10.1021/ac100357u

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Y. Xiao, K. Dane, T. Uzawa, A. Csordas, J. Qian, H.T. Soh, P. Daugherty, E. Lagally, A. Heeger, and K. Plaxco.  “Detection of Telomerase Activity in High Concentration of Cell Lysates Using Primer-Modified Gold Nanoparticles.”  Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (43) 15299-15307 (2010)

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A. Csordas, A. E. Gerdon, J. D. Adams, J. Qian, S. S. Oh, Y. Xiao, and H. T. Soh.  “Detection of Proteins in Serum via Micromagnetic Aptamer PCR (MAP) Technology.”  Angewandte Chemie International Edition 49 (2) 355-358 (2010)

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J.D. Adams and H.T. Soh.  “Tunable Acoustophoretic Band-Pass Particle Sorter.”  Applied Physics Letters 97 (6) 064103 (2010)

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Y. Xiao, K.J.I. Plakos, X. Lou, R.J. White, J. Qian, K.W. Plaxco, and H.T. Soh.  “Fluorescence Detection of Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms with a, Self-Complementary, Triple-Stem DNA Probe.”  Angewandte Chemie International Edition 48 (24) 4354-4358 (2009)

 DOI: 10.1002/anie.200900369

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Y. Xiao, X.H. Lou, T. Uzawa, K.J.I. Plakos, K.W. Plaxco, and H.T. Soh.  “An Electrochemical Sensor for Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Detection in Serum Based on a Triple-Stem DNA Probe.”  Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (42) 15311-15316 (2009)

 DOI: 10.1021/ja905068s

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Y. Liu, J.D. Adams, K. Turner, F.V. Cochran, S. Gambhir, and H.T. Soh.  “Controlling the Selection Stringency of Phage Display Using a Microfluidic Device.”  Lab on a Chip 9 1033-1036 (2009)

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B.S. Ferguson, S. Buchsbaum, J. Swensen, K. Hsieh, X.H. Lou, and H.T. Soh.  “Integrated Microfluidic Electrochemical DNA Sensor.”  Analytical Chemistry 81 (15) 503-6508 (2009)

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J. Swensen, Y. Xiao, B.S. Ferguson, A. Lubin, R. Lai, A.J. Heeger, K.W. Plaxco, and H.T. Soh.  “Continuous, Real-Time Monitoring of Cocaine in Undiluted Blood Serum via a Microfluidic Electrochemical Aptamer-Based Sensor.”  Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (12) 4262-4266 (2009)

 DOI: 10.1021/ja806531z

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J.D. Adams and H.T. Soh.  “Perspectives on Utilizing Unique Features of Microfluidics Technology for Particle and Cell Sorting.”  Journal of the Association for Laboratory Automation 14 (6) 331-340 (2009)

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X.H. Lou, J. Qian, Y. Xiao, L. Viel, A.E. Gerdon, E.T. Lagally, P. Atzberger, T.M. Tarasow, A.J. Heeger, and H.T. Soh.   “Micromagnetic Selection of Aptamers in Microfluididc Channels.”  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (9) 2989-2994 (2009)

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S-S. Oh, J. Qian, X.H. Lou, Y. Zhang, Y. Xiao, and H.T. Soh.  “Generation of Highly Specific Aptamers via Micromagnetic Selection.”  Analytical Chemistry 81 (13) 5490-5495 (2009)

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A.E. Gerdon, S-S. Oh, K. Hsieh, Y. Ke, H. Yan, and H.T. Soh.  “Controlled Delivery of DNA Origami on Patterned Surfaces.”  Small 5 (17) 1942-1946 (2009)

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U. Kim and H.T. Soh.  “Simultaneous Sorting of Multiple Bacterial Targets Using Integrated Dielectrophoretic-Magnetic Activated Cell Sorter.”  Lab on a Chip 9 2313-2318 (2009)

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J. D. Adams, P. Thévoz, H. Shea, H. Bruus, and H. T. Soh.  “Integrated Acoustic and Magnetic Separation in Microfluidic Channels.”  Applied Physics Letters 95 (25) 254103 (2009)

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E. Pavlovic, R.Y. Lai, T-T Wu, B.S. Ferguson, R. Sun, K.W. Plaxco, and H.T. Soh.  “Microfluidic Device Architecture for Electrochemical Patterning and Detection of Multiple DNA Sequences.”  Langmuir 24 (3) 1102-1107 (2008)

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S. Pennathur, C. Meinhart, and H.T. Soh.  “How to Exploit the Features of Microfluidics.”  Lab on a Chip 8 20-22 (2008)

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J.D. Adams, U. Kim, and H.T. Soh.  “Multitarget magnetic activated cell sorter.”  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (47) 18165-18170 (2008)

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U. Kim, J. Qian, S.A. Kenrick, P.S. Daugherty, and H.T. Soh.  “Multitarget Dielectrophoresis Activated Cell Sorter.”  Analytical Chemistry 80 (22) 8656-8661 (2008)

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M.S. Pommer, Y. Zhang, N. Keerthi, D. Chen, J.A. Thomson, C. Meinhart, and H.T. Soh.  “Dielectrophoretic Separation of Platelets from Diluted Whole Blood in Microfluidic Channels.”  Electrophoresis 29 (6) 1213-1218 (2008)

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U. Kim, C-W Shu, K.Y. Dane, P.S. Daugherty, J.Y. Wang, and H.T. Soh.  “Selection of Mammalian Cells According to Cell-Cycle Phase Using Dielectrophoresis.”  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (52) 20708-20712 (2007)

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P.H. Bessette, X. Hu, H.T. Soh, and P.S. Daugherty.  “Microfluidic Library Screening for Mapping Antibody Epitopes.”  Analytical Chemistry 79 (5) 2174-2178 (2007)

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R. Lai, S-H Lee, H.T. Soh, K.W. Plaxco, and A.J. Heeger.  “Differential Labeling of Closely-Spaced Biosensor Electrodes via Benign Oxidative Desorption.”  Langmuir 22 (4) 1932-1936 (2006)

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S-H. Oh, S-H Lee, S.A. Kenrick, P.S. Daugherty, and H.T. Soh.  “Microfluidic Protein Detection through Genetically Engineered Bacterial Cells.”  Journal of Proteome Research 5 (22) 3433-3437 (2006)

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R.Y. Lai, E.T. Lagally, S-H. Lee, H.T. Soh, K.W. Plaxco, and A.J. Heeger.  “Rapid Sequence-Specific Detection of Unpurified PCR Amplicons via a Reusable, Electronic Sensor.”  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (11) 4017-4021 (2006)

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E.T. Lagally and H.T. Soh.  “Integrated Genetic Analysis Microsystems.”  Critical Reviews in Solid State and Material Sciences 30 (4) 208-233 (2005)

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D.K. Wood, S-H Oh, S-H Lee, H.T. Soh, and A.N. Cleland.  “High Bandwidth Radiofrequency Coulter Counter.”  Applied Physics Letters 87 (18) 184106 (2005)

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X. Hu, P. H. Bessette, J. Qian, C. D. Meinhart, P. S. Daugherty, and H. T. Soh.  “Marker Specific Sorting of Rare Cells Using Dielectrophoresis.”  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (44) 15757-15761 (2005)

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E. T. Lagally, S-H Lee, and H. T. Soh.  “Integrated Microsystem for Dielectrophoretic Cell Concentration and Genetic Detection.”  Lab on a Chip (5) 1053-1058 (2005)

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D. S. Greywall, P. A. Busch, F. Pardo, D. W. Carr, G. Bogart, and H. T. Soh.  “Crystalline Silicon Tilting Mirrors for Optical Cross Connect Switches.”  Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 12 708-712 (2003)

 DOI: 10.1109/JMEMS.2003.818067

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D.S. Greywall, C-S Pai, S-H Oh, C P. Chang, D.M. Marom, P.A. Busch, R.A. Cirelli, J.A. Taylor, F.P. Klemens, T.W. Sorsch, J.E. Bower, W.Y. Lai, and H.T. Soh.  “Monolithic Fringe-Field-Activated Crystalline Silicon Tilting-Mirror Devices.”  Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 12 (5) 702-707 (2003)

 DOI: 10.1109/JMEMS.2003.818068

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H. T. Soh, K. Wilder-Guarini, and C. F. Quate  “Scanning Probe Lithography” (2001)
E.M. Chow, H.T. Soh, H.C. Lee, J.D. Adams, S.C. Minne, G. Yaralioglu, A. Atalar, C.F. Quate, and T.W. Kenny.  “Integration of Through-Wafer Interconnects with a Two-Dimensional Cantilever Array.”  Sensors & Actuators A-Physical 83 (1-3) 118-123 (2000)

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X.N. Qi, C. Yue, T. Arnborg, H.T. Soh, H. Sakai, Z.P. Yu, and R.W. Dutton.  “A fast 3-D modeling approach to electrical parameters extraction of bonding wires for RF circuits.”  IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging 23 (3) 480 (2000)

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H.T. Soh, C.P. Yue, A.M. McCarthy, C. Ryu, T.H. Lee, S.S. Wong, and C.F. Quate.  “Ultra-Low resistance, Through-Wafer Via (TWV) Technology and Its Applications in Three Dimensional Structures on Silicon.”  Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 38 2393 (1999)

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H.T. Soh, A.F. Morpurgo, J. Kong, C.M. Marcus, C.F. Quate, and H. Dai.  “Integrated nanotube circuits: Controlled growth and ohmic contacting of single walled carbon nanotubes.”  Applied Physics Letters 75 (5) 627 (1999)

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J. Kong, C. Zhou, A. Morpurgo, H.T. Soh, C.F. Quate, C. Marcus, and H. Dai.  “Synthesis, integration, and electrical properties of individual single-walled carbon nanotubes.”  Applied Physics A 69 (3) 305 (1999)

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K. Wilder, H.T. Soh, A. Atalar, and C F. Quate.  “Nanometer-scale patterning and individual current-controlled lithography using multiple scanning probes.”  Review of Scientific Instruments 70 (6) 2822 (1999)

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H.T. Soh, J. Kong, A.M. Cassell, C.F. Quate, and H. Dai.  “Synthesis of Individual Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes on Patterned Silicon Wafers.”  Nature 395 878-881 (1998)

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I. Ladabaum, X.C. Jin, H.T. Soh, A. Atalar, and B.T. Khuri-Yakub.  “Surface micromachined capacitive ultrasonic transducers.”  IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectronics, and Frequency Control 45 (3) 678 (1998)

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K. Wilder, H T. Soh, A. Atalar, and C.F. Quate.  “The hybrid atomic force/scanning tunneling lithography system.”  Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 15 (5) 1811 (1997)

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H.T. Soh, I. Ladabaum, A. Atalar, and C.F. Quate.  “Silicon micromachined ultrasonic immersion transducers.”  Applied Physics Letters 69 (24) 3674 (1996)

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S.W. Park, H.T. Soh, C.F. Quate, and S-I Park.  “Nanometer scale lithography at high scanning speeds with the atomic force microscope using spin on glass.”  Applied Physics Letters 67 (16) 2415 (1995)

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S.C. Minne, H.T. Soh, Ph. Flueckiger, and C.F. Quate.  “Fabrication of 0.1μm metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors with the atomic force microscope.”  Applied Physics Letters 66 (6) 703 (1995)

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S.C. Minne, Ph. Flueckiger, H.T. Soh, and C.F. Quate. “Atomic force microscope lithography using amorphous silicon as a resist and advances in parallel operation.”  Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 13 (3) 1380 (1995)

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