Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Media Coverage: Climate

What Climate Scientists Want You to See in the Floodwaters »

September 8, 2017

Katharine Mach, a senior research scientist and director of the Stanford Environment Assessment Facility, and Miyuki Hino, a Ph.D. candidate in Stanford’s Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources, discuss how...

By Kathrine Mach and Miyuki Hino, The New York Times

Natural gas, meet Silicon Valley. The challenge for mobile methane monitoring is now underway »

September 6, 2017

Dr. Adam Brandt teams up with EDF for the Stanford/EDF Mobile Monitoring Challenge (MMC) to "rigorously test and compare the most promising new mobile technologies and approaches to quickly detect and quantify methane emissions."

By Ben Ratner and Ramon Alvarez, EDF + Business

Harvey, Irma and the mounting costs of climate-enhanced weather events »

September 6, 2017

Noah Diffenbaugh and Newsha Ajami discuss the events of hurricane Harvey and what role climate change plays in this event and extereme weather events in the future. 

By Paul Huttner, MPR News

Potent Mix of Record Heat and Dryness Fuels Wildfires Across the West »

September 5, 2017

Study co-authored by Noah Diffenbaugh shows us the more human greenhouse gas emission we produce, the more changes of extreme weathers we may experience.

By Georgina Gustin, Inside Climate News

Will future storms will be worse than Harvey? The debate over climate and hurricanes »

September 2, 2017

Noah Diffenbaugh is quoted on the ongoing debate between the connection of climate change and extreme weathers like hurricanes and how research, approaches and opinions have changed over the years.

By Chris Mooney, Chicago Tribune

India and Pakistan are seeing more intense monsoon rains »

September 2, 2017

Cites study by Noah Diffenbaugh looking into the increased frequencies of extreme drought and rainfall in the the South Asian monsoon season.

The Economist

How Long Will It Take Houston's Floodwaters to Drain? »

September 1, 2017

Richard Luthy and Newsha Ajami discuss the aftermath of hurricane Harvey and how longit may take to drain the floodwaters that engulf Houston.

By Laura Geggel, Live Science

California heat wave: How much is from climate change? »

September 1, 2017

Christopher Field discusses the role of climate change in Northern California's hottest heat wave to date

By Paul Rogers

Wetlands stopped $625 million in property damage during Hurricane Sandy. Can they help Houston? »

August 31, 2017

As the financial toll of hurricane Harvey reaches new levels, scientists like Katie Arkema discuss how the solution to curbing property damage in the future may lay with the increase of wetlands.

By Nsikan Akpan, PBS

Catastrophic storms, once rare, are almost routine. Is climate change to blame? »

August 30, 2017

Noah Diffenbaugh is quoted related to Hurricane Harvey and the intensity and frequencies of rare storms

By Amina Khan, Los Angles Times

Climate change, refugees worsen Jordan's water woes: scientists »

August 30, 2017

Steven Gorelick co-authors study looking into the links that climate change and refugee rates have on the ever growing drought issue in Jordan.

By Chris Arsenault, Reuters

Blame Climate Change for Packing Harvey With Rain, but Not for Its Slow Pace »

August 29, 2017

Mark Jacobson is quoted on Hurricane Harvey's slow pace and heavy rains.

By James Rainey, NBC News

Hurricane Harvey Was No Surprise »

August 29, 2017

Noah Diffenbaugh, a professor of earth system science at Stanford, writes an opinion piece on discussing the possible links between climate change and events like Hurricane Harvey and how can better prepare.   

By Noah S. Diffenbaugh, New York Times

Harvey may have caught Texas by surprise, but other places have been getting ready for more extreme weather »

August 29, 2017

Katharine Mach is quoted on the effects climate change and increased emissions have in contributing to more extreme weather phenomenon.

By Peter Thomson, WVTF

Don't forget about coal, new Energy Department report says »

August 28, 2017

Michael Wara is quoted on his responce to new report by federal government on the continued use of coal as a primary source of electricity  

By Chris Megerian, Los Angels Times

Trump nominated a climate denier as USDA chief scientist — here’s why that matters »

August 28, 2017

David Lobell is quoted on President Trump's nomination for USDA's Chief scientist

By Amanda Marcotte, Salon

Shoring up coastal infrastructure is long past due »

August 25, 2017

Christopher Field and Kathrine Mach contribute on article looking into the importance of funding coastal infrustrucutre and the effects it could have if overlooked   

By Roger-Mark De Souza, Chris Field, Alice Hill and Kathrine Mach, The Hill

California defies Trump claim that environmental regulation kills economic growth »

August 22, 2017

Charles Kolstad comments on new study showing that California is thriving under environmental regulations stating that California's goal was "to demonstrate that you can stabilize carbon emissions and still have a prosperous economy.”

By Emma Foehringer Merchant, Grist

California effort to fight climate change just got some good news »

August 21, 2017

Study by Christopher Field and Kathrine Mach shows evidence that California's climate program is yielding positive results

By Chelsea Harvey, The Orange County Register

Following damage caused by economic rise, China tackles ambitious conservation experiment »

August 20, 2017

Gretchen Daily comments on China's new environmental conservation initiative

By Michael Holtz, The Christian Science Monitor