Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Media Coverage: Freshwater

Manganese in Underground Drinking Water is Cause for Concern »

August 24, 2017

Scott Fendorf co-contributor in study that looks into potentially high and dangerous levels of manganese in U.S. Glacial Aquifer and 3 Asian countries.

By Sarah Nightingale, UCR Today

A picture of seawater intrusion in Marina's aquifers is unveiled. »

August 8, 2017

Rosemary Knight is mention in relation to her study on groundwater data collection

By David Schmalz, Monterey County Weekly

Commentary: Desalination will not solve California’s water woes »

June 1, 2017

Op-ed by Water in the West researchers Leon Szeptycki and Newsha Ajami.

By Leon Szeptycki and Newsha Ajami, Mercury News

"Living Map" created for financing water projects in U.S. »

April 24, 2017

Discusses Water in the West project, and quote Newsha Ajami on the need for new ideas and solutions for aging infrastructure.


Oxygen-infused 'super water' could protect NYC schools from lead hazards,technology CEO says »

April 20, 2017

Richard Luthy on the importance of replacing lead piping.

By Amanda Mikelberg, Metro

California’s wet year eases drought but many still lack water »

April 17, 2017

Noah Diffenbaugh on ongoing effects of California drought.

By Chelsea Whyte, New Scientist

USGS finds vast reserves of salty water underground in California »

April 15, 2017

Newsha Ajami discusses water sector progress, the importance of diversified regional water supply portfolios and the possibility of a return to drought conditions in California.

By Devika G. Bansal, San Francisco Chronicle

Groundwater over-pumping found reducing ability to store water in California: study »

April 14, 2017

Discusses research by Rosemary Knight and colleagues.

By Tian Shaohui, Xinhua

California groundwater supplies remain a mystery »

April 12, 2017

Leon Szeptyck on the difficulty of quantifying individual withrdrawls from aquifers.

By Tom Elias, Ventura County Star

JPL Scientists: Overpumping Reduces California's Groundwater Storage »

April 12, 2017

Discusses research by Rosemary Knight and colleagues.

Pasadena Now

Mega-dams, like Hoover, probably wouldn't be built today »

March 29, 2017

David Freyberg discusses environmental and economic costs of dams.

By Sarah Gardner, Marketplace

Opinion: Consumers need to pay more for water safety, improvements »

March 28, 2017

Cites 2015 study by ReNUWIt and Water in the West that found a water public goods charge could help revitalize water systems less expensively than bonds. Such a fee could also help advance a 21st century water system.

By Matt Mahan, The Mercury News

Quarter of California’s snowpack loss is from human-made warming »

March 22, 2017

Noah Diffenbaugh discusses possible solution to California's water storage woes.

By Chelsea Whyte, New Scientist

Celebrating the End of California's Drought? Not so Fast, Say Water Experts »

March 9, 2017

Richard Luthy and Sebastien Tilmans explain how the Codina Resource Recovery Center demonstrates Stanford's ability to deal with the one million gallons of wastewater the campus creates per day.

By Angela Johnston, KALW Local Public Radio

In arid Southwest, cities expand but use less water »

March 1, 2017

Richard Luthy explains why water recycling, not just conservation, is critical to the future of Western cities.

By Zack Colman, Christian Science Monitor

California’s Water System Built for a Climate We No Longer Have »

February 27, 2017

Noah Diffenbaugh discusses climate changes in California and the effects on the state's water system.

By Lauren Sommer, KQED Science

Every 200 Years California Suffers a Storm of Biblical Proportions — This Year’s Rains Are Just a Precursor »

February 21, 2017

Quotes Newsha Ajami and Noah Diffenbaugh on recent heavy rain in California and what it means for infrastructure.

By Rachel Becker, The Verge

How the Syrian refugee crisis affected land use and shared transboundary freshwater resources »

February 13, 2017

Global Freshwater Initiative researchers discuss their investigation of the relationship among civil conflict, land use and water consumption.

By Steven Gorelick, Marc Muller and Jim Yoon, Brookings Institution

California Case Could Set National Precedent on Indian Water Rights »

November 29, 2016

The Agua Caliente tribe in Palm Springs argues it has a right to groundwater. Stanford's Barton H. “Buzz” Thompson explains how a federal court could soon resolve century-old uncertainties around the issue.

By Matt Weiser, News Deeply

Stanford takes crack at studying Central Coast aquifer seawater intrusion »

November 3, 2016

Features work by Rosemary Knight to use analyize saltwater intrusion along California's Central Coast with geophysical imaging.

By Jessica York, The Mercury News