Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment


New breed of VR pushes for social change »

August 1, 2017

Jeremy Bailenson talks about VR and its implications

By Greg Toppo, USA Today

Virtual Reality Can Teach Altruism, Empathy — and Why You Should Use Less Toilet Paper »

June 9, 2017

Jeremy Bailenson and VR: creating a more sustainable future 

By Goldie Blumenstyk, The Chronicle of Higher Education

How Virtual Reality Tech Will Help The Environment »

May 9, 2017

Jeremy Bailenson, professor of communication at Stanford University uses VR technology as a way to explain ocean acidif

By Robert Bright, The Huffington Post

Watch: Virtual Reality Film The Crystal Reef Helps Kids Understand the Impacts of Climate Change »

April 12, 2017

Features virtual reality project developed with funding from Woods' Environmental Venture Projects program.


VR Experience From Stanford Shows How We’re Killing Our Coral Reefs »

March 19, 2017

Profile of Woods-funded ocean acidification virtual reality experience.

By Alice Bonasio, Upload

Can VR Make You a Better Person? »

December 30, 2016

Jeremy Bailenson discusses virtual reality as a tool to promote empathy which could lead to behavior changes and enviro

By Christina Couch, NBC News/Mach

How Virtual Reality Can Help Us Feel the Pain of Climate Change »

October 26, 2016

Feature on educational virtual reality software developed in lab of Woods Senior Fellow Jeremy Bailenson (Communication) and released to the public for free.

By Randy Rieland, Smithsonian Magazine

Can Stanford’s Deep Dive Into Virtual Reality Help Save the Oceans? »

October 19, 2016

Review of Stanford Ocean Acidification Experience, a virtual reality science education tool developed in the lab of Senior Fellow Jeremy Bailenson (Communication).

By Tekla S. Perry, IEEE Spectrum

To Save the Planet, First Put On a VR Headset »

October 3, 2016

Discusses study co-authored by Jeremy Bailenson showing that virtual reality simulations caused a greater sense of emp

By Jamie Condliffe, MIT Technology Review

Using Virtual Reality to Avoid Catastrophe »

September 23, 2016

Profile of work in lab of Senior Fellow Jeremy Bailenson (Communication) to use virtual reality as an environmental behavior change tool.

By Marlene Cimons, Popular Science

Charlie Rose Interview with Jeremy Bailenson »

August 12, 2016

Charlie Rose talks with Jeremy Bailenson about potential of VR to change to change human behavior, including actions --

PBS: Charlie Rose

Could Virtual Reality Save the Environment? »

August 9, 2016

Jeremy Bailenson on virtual reality's potential to change people's environmental behaviors.

Environmental Technology Online

Can Virtual Reality Emerge As a Tool for Conservation? »

June 27, 2016

New advances in technology are sparking efforts to use virtual reality to help people gain a deeper appreciation of environmental challenges.

By Heather MIllar, Yale environment 360

VR Tries to Make You Care About Coral Reefs »

May 12, 2016

Stanford VR lab is focus of a documentary on how virtual reality can be used to communicate climate change in an immersive and scientifically valid way.

By Alice Bonasio, Newsweek

Virtual Reality Could Finally Get People to Care About Climate Change »

December 14, 2015

Senior Fellow Jeremy Bailenson (communication) discusses the ability of virtual reality can to encourage people care about climate change on an emotional level.

By Chris Weller, Tech Insider

Virtual Reality Gets Real »

October 1, 2015

Senior Fellow Jeremy Bailenson (Communication) discusses how the brain perceives virtual reality.

By Maria Konnikova, The Atlantic

The Future of Virtual Reality »

August 25, 2014

Jeremy Bailenson, founding director of the Virtual Human Interaction Lab at Stanford University talks to Michael Krasny on KQED's forum.


Virtual Realty Could Make Real Difference in the Environment  »

August 15, 2014

Opinion piece by Woods Fellow Jeremy Bailenson, about the role of virtual reality can play in showing people the impact of their personal activities on the environment.

By Jeremy Bailenson,

Can't Picture a World Devastated by Climate Change? These Games Will Do It for You »

July 21, 2014

Describes studies by Woods Senior Fellow Jeremy Bailenson that use virtual reality to simulate changes in the enviornment

By Amy Westervelt,

Child's Play May Spur Fight against Global Warming »

July 17, 2014

Cites studies by Woods Senior Fellow Jeremy Bailenson, associate professor of communication at Stanford, on how virtual reality can be a tool that convinces people to care about the environment

By Amy Westervelt, Scientific American
