Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Past News: 2013

Stanford Woods Institute Senior Fellow Terry Root, Nicholas Stern and Governor Jerry Brown

The Cost of Climate Inaction »

December 20, 2013

An event attended by California Governor Edmund Gerald "Jerry" Brown, Jr., winner of climate science prize named for former Stanford Woods Institute senior fellow discusses economics of climate damage

By Danielle Torrent, Climate One

Chris Field

Climate Scientist Named Among "Five to Watch" »

December 20, 2013

The journal Nature calls out Senior Fellow Chris Field for his work as co-chair of UN climate report working group

By Bjorn Carey, Stanford News Service

Ugandan children

Stanford Bioengineer Developing Skin Patch to Test for Worms »

December 17, 2013

Manu Prakash's electromagnetic patch noninvasively detects live parasitic worms in infected patients.

By Kris Newby, Stanford Center for Clinical and Translational Research and Education

Anthony Barnosky and Rosamond Naylor

Climate Change Threatens Food Security, Stanford Professor Warns »

December 13, 2013

California governor calls for political response at national science conference

By Terry Nagel, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

A researcher interviews Bangladeshi farmer about pesticide use

Searching for a Silent Killer »

December 12, 2013

Stanford researchers seek to understand why lead contamination persists, and how to stop its spread

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Tasso Azevedo

A Passionate Plea to Preserve the World's Forests »

December 11, 2013

Brazilian forestry manager and climate change consultant, winner of the inaugural Bright Award, makes stirring argument for preserving forests and taking a more urgent approach to mitigating climate change

By Bjorn Carey, Stanford News Service

Entering the mine

Mine Gives Stanford Scientists Clues About Carbon Sequestration  »

December 10, 2013

An abandoned mineral mine near Stanford University is providing geoscientists with new insights on how to permanently entomb greenhouse gas emissions inside the earth.

By Mark Shwartz, Precourt Institute for the Environment

people gather water at public standpipe

Neighborly Transaction As Health Solution »

December 6, 2013

Researchers working in Mozambique point the way for an informal water practice to help solve one of the world's most pressing health and welfare issues

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

freshwater prawn

Prawn vs. Snail: Nature’s Role in Fighting Disease »

November 25, 2013

Little crustacean could play big part in stopping spread of parasitic infection

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Steven Chu

Dr. Chu Goes to Washington »

November 25, 2013

Steven Chu reflected on his tenure as U.S. Secretary of Energy during an event with Stanford students, faculty and staff

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Buzz Thompson

U.S. Supreme Court Taps Fellow to Help Settle Water Dispute »

November 20, 2013

Barton H. "Buzz" Thompson, Stanford Woods Institute co-director and senior fellow, serves as judge in long-standing Western water dispute 

Stanford Law School

Franklin "Lynn" Orr

Obama Nominates Fellow to Head Department of Energy Research »

November 15, 2013

President Obama taps Stanford Woods Institute fellow to oversee energy and science research programs in the U.S. Department of Energy

Stanford News Service

Tassa Azevedo

Stanford Announces Inaugural Recipient of the Bright Award »

November 13, 2013

The Bright Award will be given annually to an unheralded individual who has made significant contributions to global conservation efforts. The inaugural prize recognizes a forestry manager whose innovative efforts have reduced...

Stanford News Service

Survey Analysis Contradicts Common Climate Perceptions »

November 13, 2013

A majority in every state polled wants limits on greenhouse gas emissions, believes U.S. should take action on global warming, according to data from 21 surveys

By Terry Nagel, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

First Nations Leaders of Tomorrow »

November 7, 2013

First Nations’ Futures Institute helps young indigenous leaders integrate community values and resource management

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Azteca ant on laurel tree

Stressed-Out Trees Recruit Ant Defenders »

November 6, 2013

Study reveals evidence that resource-poor conditions lead to stronger mutually beneficial behavior such as parched tropical forest trees excreting sweet substance to attract leaf-protecting ants 

By Jim Erickson, University of Michigan

mother and child wash hands

Fighting a Child-Killer With Soap »

November 4, 2013

Stanford Woods Institute fellow discusses ways to increase hand washing - a vital component in stopping the spread of disease.

By Terry Nagel, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

EEAP conference attendees

Materials by Design for a Sustainable Future »

November 4, 2013

Conference highlights Stanford research on promising technologies for clean energy, renewable materials 

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Janine Benyus of Biomimicry 3.8

Imitating Nature to Solve Human Challenges »

October 29, 2013

Biologist, innovation consultant and author Janine Benyus discusses biomimicry - solving human problems through imitation of natural systems  

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Recovering Energy From Nitrogen in Wastewater »

October 28, 2013

Stanford scholar's recovery process advances to pilot project with sanitation district

By Angela Lowrey
