Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Past News: 2017

Hurricane Risks Underscore Value of Climate Reports »

September 11, 2017

Researchers at Stanford show the critical role assessment of climate change and other environmental issues can play in supporting actions and responses by decision-makers.

By Devon Ryan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

rescuer in boat in Houston flooding

Stanford Experts on Hurricane Harvey Impacts »

September 1, 2017

Stanford experts comment on how climate change and infrastructure planning contribute to the severity of impacts from extreme weather events like Hurricane Harvey.

By Devon Ryan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

A tanker truck illegally takes water from a river in Jordan.

Jordan Faces More Frequent Long and Severe Droughts »

August 30, 2017

Jordan is among the world’s most water-poor nations, and a new, comprehensive analysis of regional drought and land-use changes in upstream Syria suggests the conditions could get significantly worse.

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Image from augmented reality project on Stanford campus

An Unsettling Paradise of Our Own Design »

August 24, 2017

Augmented reality artwork created in collaboration with climate scientists envisions impact of future climate change on plants.

By Joanna Nurmis, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Roadmaps for an All-Renewable Energy World »

August 23, 2017

Study creates roadmaps for 139 countries to convert to 100-percent clean, renewable energy for all purposes. If implemented, the roadmaps would curtail global warming, reduce air pollution deaths, create jobs and save money.

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Forest in Northern California

Growing Carbon Offsets on Trees »

August 14, 2017

A pioneering California program to sell carbon offsets has surprising environmental benefits – including providing habitat for endangered species – and provides lessons for initiatives under development in other states and countries.

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Q&A with Leon Szeptycki: Climate change & water in the West »

August 7, 2017

Leon Szeptycki, executive director of Stanford’s Water in the West program, discusses the challenges and responses to managing water in a changing climate.

By Devon Ryan, Water in the West

New Tool for Planning Groundwater Recharge »

August 4, 2017

Stanford environmental engineers have developed a planning tool called AquaCharge that helps urban water utilities develop efficient and cost-effective systems to replenish aquifers.

By Edmund Andrews, Stanford News Service

washed out road

Designing Infrastructure for a Changing Climate »

August 1, 2017

Stanford climate scientist Noah Diffenbaugh joins a team of scientists and engineers who will study the future of infrastructure design in California under worsening climate change impacts.

By Joanna Nurmis, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Bluefin tuna

Tuna Fin Hydraulics »

July 21, 2017

The unique system of hydraulic control of fins discovered in tuna indicates a new role for the lymphatic system in vertebrates. This natural mechanism may inspire designs for new "smart" control surfaces with changeable shape and...

By Taylor Kubota, Stanford News Service

wind turbines

Collaboration Meets Innovation »

July 19, 2017

Stanford funding kickstarts research aimed at developing a range of transformative environmental solutions.

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Herding goats in rural Senegal

Ecological Underpinnings of Rural Poverty »

July 14, 2017

A first-of-its-kind effort combines economic, ecological and epidemiological models. The lessons learned could inform interventions to lift people out of poverty.

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Bornean gibbon

Prelude to Global Extinction »

July 10, 2017

Biologists say disappearance of species tells only part of the story of human impact on Earth’s animals. The first such global evaluation finds more than 30 percent of all vertebrates have declining populations. Researchers call...

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Humpback whale

Unexpected Whale Behavior »

July 10, 2017

Stanford researchers have found that humpback whales flap their foreflippers like penguins or sea lions. This unexpected observation helps explain whale maneuvering and could improve designs inspired by their movement.

By Taylor Kubota, Stanford News Service

Corals May Hold Cancer Insights »

June 28, 2017

Stanford researchers are exploring how corals that re-colonized Bikini Atoll after nuclear bomb tests 70 years ago have adapted to persistent radiation. Their work is featured in a PBS series.

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Stanford Sociologist Attempts to Explain Puzzling Lack of Grassroots Climate Change Activism in U.S. »

June 15, 2017

Sociologist Doug McAdam examined 40 years of research and theory on social movements in an attempt to determine why a sustained grassroots movement on climate change has not developed in the United States.

By Milenko Martinovich

Stanford Biologist Awarded $450,000 Prize for Contributing to Global Environmental Solutions »

June 14, 2017

Gretchen Daily honored with Blue Planet Prize for her work to harmonize people and nature.

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Team members from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute collect water from Monterey Bay for eDNA analysis.

DNA Left by Ocean Animals Provides Rare Glimpse of Marine Ecosystems »

June 13, 2017

As ocean animals swim past, they leave behind DNA. Now, scientists have shown these genetic clues can be used as forensic markers to accurately and easily survey marine life in complex deep-water environments.

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Emphasizing Individual Solutions Can Reduce Support for Govt. Efforts »

June 12, 2017

Experiments by a Stanford political science graduate student suggest that making individuals aware of how they can help solve large-scale environmental problems makes them less likely to support government-based solutions.

By Taylor Kubota, Stanford News Service

Eiffel tower

After Paris »

June 12, 2017

What are the repercussions of President Trump's decision to back out of the 2015 global climate agreement forged by 195 countries in Paris? Stanford's leaders and scholars on this topic are fielding questions and offering expert...

Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment
