Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment


Bluefin tuna

Tuna Fin Hydraulics »

July 21, 2017

The unique system of hydraulic control of fins discovered in tuna indicates a new role for the lymphatic system in vertebrates. This natural mechanism may inspire designs for new "smart" control surfaces with changeable...

By Taylor Kubota, Stanford News Service

Team members from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute collect water from Monterey Bay for eDNA analysis.

DNA Left by Ocean Animals Provides Rare Glimpse of Marine Ecosystems »

June 13, 2017

As ocean animals swim past, they leave behind DNA. Now, scientists have shown these genetic clues can be used as forensic markers to accurately and easily survey marine life in complex deep-water environments.

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Whitetip reef shark

Shark Protection »

February 1, 2017

Researchers at Stanford’s Hopkins Marine Station find that expanded marine protected areas are successful in limiting fishing and increasing reef shark populations.

By Taylor Kubota, Stanford News Service

Pacific bluefin tuna

Substance in Crude Oil Harms Fish Hearts and Could Affect Humans »

January 31, 2017

Exposure to oil can cause severe cardiovascular effects in fish. Experiments provide direct evidence of how phenanthrene, an oil pollutant found in water, air and soil, causes irregular heartbeat and weaker contractions...

By Taylor Kubota, Stanford News Service

Atlantic bluefin tuna

Deepwater Horizon Spill Impacts on Bluefin Tuna Spawning Habitat »

September 30, 2016

Study shows that the release of 4 million barrels of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico during the Deepwater Horizon disaster during peak spawning season for Atlantic bluefin tuna could have both near- and long-term...

Stanford News Service

Marine biologist Barbara Block tagging a bluefin tuna as part of ongoing innovative research on marine predators.

"Academy Award of the Ocean" to Stanford Marine Biologist  »

May 26, 2016

Senior Fellow Barbara Block (Biology) awarded prestigious prize for groundbreaking research using satellite tagging data and innovative tracking...

By Kristen Weiss, Center for Ocean Solutions

Woods Senior Fellow Barbara Block and Charles Farwell of the Monterey Bay Aquarium tag a Pacific bluefin tuna.

Pacific Bluefin Tunas' Favorite Feeding Spots »

September 25, 2015

Woods senior fellow and other scientists devise a new methodology for measuring how and when ocean predators consume prey, and identify the Pacific bluefin's favorite hot spots, information that can inform...

By Bjorn Carey, Stanford News Service

Salmon shark jumping

Shark Detective Work »

December 15, 2014

Researchers use new tools to understand the lives of salmon sharks, an important apex predator

By Randall Kochevar, Tagging of Pelagic Predators

Dry lakebed of California's San Luis reservoir

Western U.S. and Western Australia: Shared Water Challenges »

September 16, 2014

Stanford collaboration with University of Western Australia promotes freshwater and marine solutions

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

bluefin tuna

Crude Oil Causes Abnormalities in Fish »

March 24, 2014

Study co-authored by Stanford Woods Institute senior fellow shows Deepwater Horizon oil disrupts heart development in tunas

By Ben Sherman, NOAA


Decoding Mysteries of the Sea »

February 24, 2014

Stanford Woods Institute researchers bring innovative research to global gathering of ocean scientists, the Ocean Sciences Meeting in Honolulu Feb. 23-28

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

bluefin tuna

Oil Causes Heart Problems for Fish »

February 13, 2014

While studying the impact of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill on tuna, a team led by researchers in the lab of Stanford Woods Institute Senior Fellow Barbara Block discovered that crude oil interrupts a...

Stanford News Service

Stanford Woods Institute Senior Fellows Barbara Block, Mark Jacobson, Chris Field and Paul Ehrlich

AAAS: Woods Researchers to Speak at World's Largest Scientific Meeting »

February 6, 2014

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Great White Sharks' Fuel for Oceanic Voyages: Liver Oil »

July 17, 2013

New research shows that great white sharks power their non-stop journeys of more than 2,500 miles with energy stored as fat and oil in their massive livers. The findings provide novel insights into the biology of these...

By Rob Jordan, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment