Publication Details

Full Study
100% Clean and Renewable Wind, Water, and Sunlight All-Sector Energy Roadmaps for 139 Countries of the World

Stanford News Release
Roadmaps for an All-Renewable Energy World

Media Coverage
NBC News
139 Countries Could Transition to 100% Renewable Energy Under New Plan

The Independent
Nearly 140 countries could be powered entirely by wind, solar and water by 2050

IEEE Spectrum
A Roadmap to 100% Renewable Energy in 139 Countries by 2050

By 2050, 139 countries could be powered by wind, solar, water

A New Roadmap to Renewable Dependence Could Eliminate 99% of CO2 Emissions by 2050

How 139 countries could be powered by 100 percent wind, water, and solar energy by 2050

The entire world could be powered by wind, water and solar energy by 2050

Courthouse News
100 Percent Renewable Energy by 2050 Possible & Cost-Effective, Report Says

City Lab
Charting the Planet's Path to 100% Renewable Energy

Here’s How Nearly All Nations Could Run on Renewable Power by 2050

The Conversation UK
100% renewable by 2050: the technology already exists to make it happen

Here's How 139 Countries Can Convert to 100% Renewable Energy by 2050

http://Science orf at
Energiewende bis 2050 machbar

Folha De S. Paulo
Transição imediata para energia limpa conteria mudança climática, diz estudo

The Scotsman
Renewables to power UK and 138 countries by 2050, say scientists

Science Daily
How 139 countries could be powered by 100 percent wind, water, and solar energy by 2050

Phys Org
How 139 countries could be powered by 100 percent wind, water, and solar energy by 2050

The London Economic
Renewable energy could entirely power 139 industrialised countries by 2050

Eurasia Review
How 139 Countries Could Be Powered By 100 Percent Wind, Water And Solar Energy By 2050

Engineering 360
Video: How 139 Nations Could Use 100% Renewable Energy by 2050

New Scientist
We Really Can Run the World on Renewable Energy, Here's How

Renewable energy to power 139 countries? Scientists say it’s possible

Green Energy Times
Roadmaps to Slow Climate Change and Eliminate Air Pollution

Clean Technica
100% Renewable Energy For 139 Nations Detailed In New Stanford Report

How To Power 139 Countries With 100% Renewable Energy By 2050

Actualite Houssenia Writing
Comment 139 pays peuvent passer à une énergie 100 % propre et renouvelable à l’horizon 2050

Business Insider Italy
Sarà l’elettricità a salvarci: Stanford ha una road map per risolvere i problemi dell’energia

By 2050, 139 countries could be powered by renewable energy

Laboratory Equipment
139 Countries Could be Powered by 100 Percent Wind, Water, Solar Energy by 2050

Windpower Monthly
Up to 139 countries could use 100% renewables, researchers claim

Business Green
Report: Almost 140 countries can switch to 100 per cent clean energy

Science Alert
Most of The World Could Be 100% Powered With Renewables by 2050

ZME Science
Roadmap aims to supercharge 139 countries to 100% renewable energy by 2050

India Today
Nearly 70 per cent of the countries in the world could run on renewable energy by 2050

24 HU
2050-re 139 ország állhatna át teljes egészében a megújuló energiaforrásokra

100 Prozent Erneuerbare bis 2050 machbar

Green report
Energia: 139 Paesi potrebbero diventare 100% rinnovabili entro il 2050

Scienze Fanpage
Energie rinnovabili, 139 nazioni potrebbero sostenersi al 100% con esse entro il 2050

N + 1
En 2050, la mayoría del planeta podría funcionar enteramente con renovables

100% d'énergies renouvelables en 2050 dans 139 pays

Eco News
Study: renewable energy could power 139 countries by 2050

Science Friday
Running The Numbers On A Transition To Renewable Energy

Financial Tribune
139 Nations May Use 100% Renewable Sources by 2050