November 2007             


Society of Environmental Journalists Conference

The Woods Institute hosted the highly successful annual SEJ meeting in early September.

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Biofuels Workshop Results

Some environmental benefits of corn ethanol and soy biodiesel may be overstated.

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U.S. Farm Bill Report

As Americans demand more from their farms, more farmers may find they'll be rewarded in kind, making conservation a newly respectable-and profitable-endeavor.

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Public Opinion Surveys

With support from the Woods Institute, Senior Fellow Jon Krosnick conducts new national public opinion polls on the environment with the Associated Press and New Scientist.

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Ocean Conservation

Widespread starvation in gray whale population suggests problems in food chain, says senior fellow Stephen Palumbi.

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Land Use

Satellite images reveal link between urban growth and rainfall, reports Center Fellow Karen Seto.

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Stanford Faculty Funding Opportunities

2008 Stanford Environmental Venture Projects proposals are due Dec. 21.

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Nobel Peace Prize Connection

Several Stanford faculty, including five Woods researchers, have played a prominent role in the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore.

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Perry L. McCarty Directorship Announced

Jeff Koseff and Buzz Thompson have been named the first Perry L. McCarty Directors of the Woods Institute.

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New Leadership for Natural Capital Project

R. Michael Wright is named the first managing director of the Natural Capital Project.

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Precourt Institute for the Environment

Precourt Institute director James Sweeney wins engineering award, and John Weyant is named new deputy director.

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Obituary: Melvin B. Lane

Mel Lane, environmental champion and member of the Woods Institute Advisory Council, died at age 85.

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First Nations' Futures Institute

In partnership with the Kamehameha Schools of Hawai'i and Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu in Aotearoa, New Zealand, the Woods Institute hosted this intensive program for young, indigenous leaders. Stanford experts led sessions on a range of topics, including business development, communications, personal leadership, economics, and conservation science.
(October 21 - November 2)

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Reduce Your Ecological Footprint: Choose Environmentally Sustainable Business Practices

The Graduate School of Business and the Woods Institute will host a leadership management program for GSB and Stanford alumni, January 11 - 13, 2008. Hear from many of Stanford's environmental faculty about a new business model to make conservation profitable, green buildings, and much more.

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New Websites

The Woods Institute has a new website at Woods also maintains the Stanford Environmental Portal, the new home for campus-wide resources on the environment: Be sure to update your reference links and bookmarks.

Woods Is Moving to "Greener" Pastures

The Woods Institute moves to it new headquarters in the Yang-Yamazaki Environment and Energy (Y2E2) Building after Thanksgiving. As of Nov. 29, our new address will be:
Woods Institute for the Environment
473 Via Ortega
Stanford, CA 94305

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Woods Events

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