July 2008             


Leatherback Turtles' Migration May Be Roadmap to Salvation

New findings on the migration of leatherback turtles in the Pacific could lead to better management of this endangered species, say Woods Senior Fellow Barbara Block and graduate student George Shillinger.

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New Round of Environmental Venture Projects

The Woods Institute has awarded five new EVP grants for interdisciplinary research projects that promote global sustainability.

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Balancing Development Against the Price of Paradise Lost

The July 15 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) includes a special feature on ecosystem services, edited by Woods Senior Fellows Gretchen Daily and Pamela Matson.

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Feeding and Fueling the Future

Woods Senior Fellow Chris Field co-authored a study on the bioenergy potential of abandoned agricultural land.

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Woods Survey on Climate Change

On July 11, Woods Senior Fellow Jon Krosnick presented the results of the latest Woods-sponsored public opinion survey on climate change at an American Meteorological Society seminar in Washington, D.C.

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Ray Levitt honored by American Society of Civil Engineers

Woods Senior Fellow Raymond E. Levitt has been named a distinguished member of American Society of Civil Engineers.

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Op-Ed: Education for the Global Energy Challenge [Physics Today]

Sally Benson, Woods senior fellow and Global Climate and Energy Project executive director, urges fellow scientists to make a difference by participating in energy outreach and education.

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Dave Matthews Band Leads Epic Saturday At Rothbury [Billboard]

Woods Senior Fellows Terry Root and Stephen Schneider led discussions on the environment during the Rothbury music festival in Michigan July 3-6.

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Op-Ed: Putting Rich Farmers First [Newsweek]

High food prices have been bad news for consumers, but they have revealed even worse news about the tendencies of government, writes Woods Senior Fellow David Victor.

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State's Deadline for Renewable Power in Peril [San Francisco Chronicle]

On July 11, the Precourt Institute for Energy Efficiency co-hosted an Energy Summit on federal and state energy policies.

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