October 2008             


First Annual Affiliates Meeting Hosted by Woods and Precourt Institutes

The Woods and the Precourt institutes hosted their first annual Affiliates Program meeting with members of the business and venture capital communities on Sept. 12, 2008. The daylong event featured a panel discussion on the climate and energy policies of the next presidential administration.

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Scientists Team Up To Help Conserve Pacific Environment

The Center for Ocean Solutions is leading a global effort to address the main environmental threats facing the Pacific Ocean: pollution, habitat destruction, overfishing and exploitation, and climate change. Under the leadership of Woods Senior Lecturer Meg Caldwell and Senior Fellow Steve Palumbi, the Center is urging researchers worldwide to sign a Scientific Consensus Statement to address these major threats.

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Natural Capital Project Releases Beta Version of InVEST Software

The Natural Capital Project-a partnership of Woods, The Nature Conservancy, and the World Wildlife Fund- has released a beta version of InVEST, the Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs software tool for assessing the impact of land-use decisions on people and biodiversity.

Download the InVEST Tier 1 Tools v. 1.0 beta here...




Bluefin Tuna Earbones Reveal Two Discrete But Overlapping Atlantic Populations

Writing in the October 2008 issue of the journal "Science," Woods Senior Fellow, by courtesy, Barbara Block and her co-authors explain how earbones from Atlantic bluefin tuna reveal critical insights into the population structure of these highly prized fish.

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First Nations' Futures Fellows Convene at Stanford

The First Nations' Futures Program held its third annual leadership training institute at Stanford from October 5-19. Fellows from Aotearoa (New Zeland) and Hawai'i attended the two-week session, which was sponsored by the Woods Institute. To learn more about the fellowship and read reflections by last year's fellows, including Stanford graduate student Mehana Vaughan, click here...



Sen. Barbara Boxer and Yahoo!'s Jerry Yang Join Woods Faculty Tour of Y2E2

California Sen. Barbara Boxer and Stanford Alumnus Jerry Yang toured the Yang & Yamazaki Environment & Energy Building and met with students and faculty, including Woods senior fellows Jim Sweeney, Jeff Koseff, Dick Luthy, and Steve Schneider.

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Woods Co-Director Buzz Thompson to Oversee Federal Interstate Water Case

The U.S. Supreme Court appointed Woods Co-Director Buzz Thompson as special master in a case involving water rights in three Western states.

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Senior Fellow Steve Palumbi Launches Science and Sustainability Website

Woods Senior Fellow Stephen Palumbi launched the Short Attention Span Science Theater-an interactive website featuring short video segments, called "microdocs," that are designed to make science understandable.

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Filipinos Draw Power From Buried Heat [Washington Post]

Woods Senior Fellow, by courtesy, Roland Horne, is quoted on the geothermal energy boom in the Philippines.

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GOP Environmental Record a Challenge for McCain [San Francisco Chronicle]

Woods Senior Fellow Jon Krosnick discusses voter opinion on Sen. John McCain's environmental policies.

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Mel Lane Student Program Grants
(Deadline Nov. 3, 2008)

The Mel Lane Student Program Grants provide funding to Stanford students for group projects on the environment. Deadline for application is Monday Nov. 3, 2008.

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2009 Environmental Venture Projects
(Deadline 5 pm PST Jan. 9, 2009)

In early November, Stanford faculty will be able to submit letters of intent for the 2009 Environmental Venture Projects program grants. This year marks the sixth round of EVP grants, which provide seed funding for interdisciplinary research projects that lead to practical solutions for an environmentally sustainable world. Deadline for application is 5 pm PST Jan. 9, 2009.

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Energy Seminar: Wednesdays, 4:15-5:15pm

The Stanford community is invited to attend the weekly Energy Seminar, an interdisciplinary series of talks on a broad range of energy topics.

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Sustainable Built Environment Series: Thursdays, 12:00-1:00pm

Weekly lecture series focusing on research promoting sustainable construction and design in communities worldwide.

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Environmental Forum: Thursdays, 3:30-5:00pm

Weekly talks by experts on a broad range of environmental issues, from biofuels to ocean conservation to climate change. Wine and cheese reception follows each lecture.

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Behavior Energy & Climate Change Conference (Nov. 16-19, Sacramento)

Stanford's Precourt Institute for Energy Efficiency will co-sponsor the second annual BECC Conference, Nov. 16-19, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Sacramento, Calif.

Registration and schedule…


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