September 2011
Report to President Obama Urges Protection of Natural Capital
In July, Senior Fellow Gretchen Daily and colleagues submitted a special report to President Obama urging federal intervention to protect the country’s biodiversity and ecosystems.
An Economist for Nature Calculates the Need for More Protection
Environmental Assets: The Natural Capital Project
California Groundwater Management Trickles Up from Local Sources
When it comes to managing groundwater, the state of California relies on a mixed bag of more than 2,000 local agencies. But some water districts are moving forward with innovative ideas for conservation, says a report by the Program on Water in the West.
Senior Fellow Richard Luthy to lead new Urban Water Engineering Research Center
Two-Part Series Explores Creative Solutions for the Aging Urban Water Infrastructure
Steve Schneider's Climate View
New York Times columnist Andrew Revkin commemorates the first anniversary of the death of Senior Fellow Stephen Schneider, "a central figure in the decades-long effort to understand the human influence on climate." Schneider was also honored at special symposium in August.
Center Fellow Noah Diffenbaugh Warns against Reading Too Much into Summertime Heat
Senior Fellow Jon Krosnick on Wooing Candidates with a Climate Pitch
A Way to Save America's Bees: Buy Free-Range Beef
At a recent Woods Institute workshop on California rangelands, researchers discussed how grazing lands provide critical habitats for wild bees and other pollinators.
Senior Fellow Paul Ehrlich Launches the Millennium Alliance for Humanity and the Biosphere
Book Release: "The Endangered Species Act and Federalism," Co-Edited by Senior Fellow Buzz Thompson
Overfishing Eats away at Genetic Diversity of Fish
Overfishing is damaging the genetic diversity of fish to a greater degree than expected, according to a study by Senior Fellow Stephen Palumbi.
COS Science Director Larry Crowder Discuss Marine Spatial Planning in a Video Hosted by Philippe Cousteau
Global Food Policy and Food Security Symposium series continues this fall
Energy Seminar, Mondays, 4:15-5:15 pm, Huang Engineering Center, NVIDIA Auditorium
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