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Internships and Fellowships for Law Students and Recent Law School Grads
Unlike almost all other EPA jobs, attorney jobs do not need to be published on To maximize your chances of finding out about all EPA legal internship opportunities, you should:
- review the information available from the links below,
- check with your law school careers office since they may know of paid and/or unpaid opportunities at EPA offices other than those described on the links below, and
- check periodically.
All positions advertised through are paid. With respect to the links below, if information about a specific program does not indicate that it offers paid positions, assume the positions are unpaid/volunteer. Don't hesitate to ask, however; a program may be able to pay a stipend even if it has not been able to do so in the past.
Opportunities in Washington, D.C.
- Summer Honors Law Clerk Program in the Office of General Counsel
- Honors Legal Fellowship Program in EPA's Office of General Counsel
- Student Honors Law Clerk Program in the Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance
- Legal Internships and Clerkship Programs in EPA's Office of Administrative Law Judges
Legal Internships and Externships with EPA's Environmental Appeals Board
Opportunities in Our Regional Offices around the Nation
- Atlanta (Region 4)
- Boston (Region 1)
- Legal internships: no opportunities currently available
- Honors Attorney Fellowship Program: no opportunities currently available
- Chicago (Region 5)
- Dallas (Region 6)
- Denver (Region 8)
- Legal internships in the Office of Regional Counsel: opportunities may be available
- Legal internships for the fall, spring and summer semesters in the Office of Enforcement, Compliance and Environmental Justice: contact Marc Weiner ( For summer semesters, we accept only students who will be starting their third year of law school in the fall.
- Legal internships for the fall, spring and summer semesters with the Denver field office of EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, Mobile Source Enforcement Branch: contact Tahani Rivers (303-312-7155; For summer semesters, we accept only students who will be starting their third year of law school in the fall.
- New York City (Region 2)
- Philadelphia (Region 3)
- San Francisco (Region 9)
- Legal internships: no opportunities currently available
- Honors Attorney Fellowship Program: no opportunities currently available
- Seattle (Region 10)
- The EPA Region 10 Honors Attorney Fellowship is designed for a recent law school graduate with excellent academic credentials and strong interest in an environmental law career and public service. It provides an opportunity for entry-level attorneys to practice law in a leading governmental environmental organization, and to receive extensive training in and exposure to environmental law and policy work in the public sector. Region 10 offers new attorneys significant responsibility, the opportunity to handle a challenging caseload that includes enforcement and counseling work, and extensive training and mentoring from experienced colleagues with recognized expertise. Region 10 does not currently have any open Honors Fellowship positions.