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FRS Documentation

Image showing FRS Data Exchange Documentation

  • FacID v3.0
    Documentation for flowing facility data via the Exchange Network for the current version of Facility Identification – FacID Version 3.0
  • FacID v3.0 Best Practices
    Discusses common issues that may occur while setting up an inbound FacID 3.0 data exchange with FRS through the Exchange Network
  • FacID v2.3
    Documentation for the previous version of Facility Identification – FacID Version 2.3
  • FRS REST Services
    Documents FRS REST Services (get facilities, get facilities watershed boundary, and get 111th congressional identifier)
  • EPA Data Exchange Flat File Format Specification
    Defines the flat file formats to be used to transfer facility identification information to the FRS for states or tribes that do not have access to the Exchange Network

FRS Technical Documentation

Standards and Guidance