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International Cooperation

EPA Collaboration with Japan

Administrator McCarthy held an Environmental Policy Dialogue Meeting with the Minister of Environment of Japan, Yoshio Mochizuki, on August 24, 2015 in Tokyo.

EPA has a long history of cooperation with Japan.  A government-wide agreement between the United States and Japan to cooperate on environmental protection has been in place since 1975. Through this agreement, the two governments exchange expertise; implement cooperative projects; and share information and data on research activities, policies, regulatory practices.

EPA is committed to supporting Japan and learning collaboratively from the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear incident. EPA’s most recent collaboration with Japan has largely focused on dialogue and information exchange on decontamination and environmental management, implementation of the Minamata Convention on Mercury, and exchanging information on domestic climate change policies.  

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August 2015: EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy’s Visit to Japan

Students deliver presentations about sustainability initiatives and environmental education curriculum at their high school.

Administrator McCarthy visited Japan to advance environmental collaboration with Japan. The Administrator and the Minister of Environment of Japan committed to further environmental cooperation related to mercury, climate change, regional air quality management, environmental education, decontamination of contaminated materials, children’s environmental health, and environmental impact assessment. 

While in Japan, Administrator McCarthy delivered her first international speech on climate change since the release of the Clean Power Plan. She visited Fukushima Prefecture to meet with officials about decontamination progress and community recovery, and met with students, business officials, national Diet legislators, scientists, and women environmental leaders about shared environmental goals.

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Reduce Exposure to Toxic Chemicals: 

Administrator McCarthy meets with local officials and community members about remediation efforts taking place in Fukushima Prefecture.

Decontamination and recovery: EPA co-chairs the Decommissioning and Environmental Management Working Group under the U.S.-Japan Bilateral Commission on Nuclear Decontamination.  This Commission was established after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in 2011 to coordinate collaboration and assistance in recovering from nuclear incidents.  

Through this mechanism, the United States is both assisting Japan and increasing domestic security and preparedness.  The workgroup oversees technical workshops, arranges policy exchanges and site visits, facilitates technical exchanges with U.S. national laboratories, and conducts applied research.

Mercury management: Japan participates in the EPA-supported Asia Pacific Mercury Monitoring Network Exitto promote a network of monitoring and sharing data on mercury in the atmosphere in the Asia Pacific region. EPA is exploring additional opportunities to cooperate with Japan on managing mercury and implementation of the Minamata Convention on Mercury.

Combating Climate Change by Limiting Pollutants:

EPA and the Ministry of the Environment of Japan Exitshare information and exchange views on the implementation of climate actions and mitigation measures through knowledge sharing networks. Japan is a charter member of the Global Methane Initiative and partner in the Climate and Clean Air Coalition to reduce short-lived climate pollutants.

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Promoting Environmental Education

EPA and MOEJ promote quality environmental education and empowerment of youth through the Global Environmental Education Partnership and other bilateral and international platforms for sharing information and resources on environmental education.

Cleaning Up Electronic Waste:

Japan is a member of the International E-Waste Management Network, an EPA co-sponsored group advancing electronic waste management initiatives.

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For additional information on EPA's work in Japan, contact:
Joshua Novikoff
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of International and Tribal Affairs (2650R)
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20460
(202) 564-1032