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International Cooperation

EPA Collaboration with Thailand

EPA has had a long history of cooperation with Thailand on topics ranging from environmental enforcement to public participation to watershed cooperation. Many of these programs and partnerships achieved successes, such as stronger environmental legislation and improved air quality, and became models for EPA’s partnership with other countries in Asia. Today, we continue to partner with Thailand through regional working groups and targeted assistance that meet EPA's international priorities.

Explore our work in Thailand: 


Building Strong Institutions and Legal Structures

group photo from 2004 Training in Thailand
EPA and Thai instructors deliver a joint training on public participation to Thai government officials in 2004.

From 1997 to 2007, EPA provided training and information to the Thai government on conflict resolution, environmental enforcement, emergency preparedness, evaluation of environmental cases, environmental impact assessments, and public participation in environmental decision-making. For example, EPA shared our experience with environmental legislation in 2001 when Thailand was drafting its first comprehensive environmental public participation law. Also, in 2003, EPA trained 30 environmental mediator trainers, who customized EPA's course and presented it to over 300 additional people over the next several years.

Today, Thailand participates in a regional environmental information working group that was formed through collaboration by the Environmental Protection Administration Taiwan and EPA. This group allows environmental information officials from around the region to share best practices and discuss challenges to collecting and sharing environmental information. 

Visit the official website of the Regional Environmental Information Working GroupExit

Combating Climate Change by Limiting Pollutants

Thailand joined the Global Methane Initiative (GMI) in 2008. Under this partnership, EPA has provided technical assistance to reduce methane emissions for landfills and livestock waste.

Improving Air Quality

EPA and Thai officials commence discussion on conflict resolution via teleconference in 2002, leading to a joint conflict resolution training program.

From 2001 to 2006, EPA partnered with the Thai Pollution Control Department on an air quality management program in Bangkok. This program included training and information sharing on air quality monitoring, emission inventories, air quality modeling, promotion of cleaner fuels and vehicles (particularly the phase out of lead in gasoline), and air quality training. The Thai government credited EPA for significant air quality improvements in the region.

EPA also worked with the Thai government on an air quality study of Map Ta Phut from 2002-2004. In 2011, EPA continued to support this effort with a follow-up analysis and further recommendations on the current air quality monitoring and modeling efforts in Map Ta Phut.

In 2012, the Thai Air Pollution Center of Excellence (TAPCE) celebrated its tenth anniversary of training public and private air pollution professionals on the tools needed for their trade. Based on EPA's Air Pollution Training Institute, TAPCE provides Thai public officials, private sector officers, and students critical skills to implement Thailand's environmental programs and policies. Example courses include air toxics, permit writing, and ambient monitoring.

Learn more:

Expanding Access to Clean Water

EPA partnered with Thailand to improve water quality from 2002-2008.

  • In 2002, EPA helped sponsor the Thachin River Basin Restoration Partnership Workshop.
  • In 2006, EPA partnered with the Asian Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Network Exit and the Thai government to developing compliance assistance centers to share best practices in reducing farm runoff that was polluting rivers.  Learn more about this effort. Exit
  • In 2007 and 2008, EPA shared lessons learned about watershed management in Puget Sound with Thai officials from the Thachin River Basin in central Thailand. 

Reducing Exposure to Toxic Chemicals

group photo at Thai Inspectors Training 2004
EPA officials provide an inspectors training to Thai officials in 2004.

EPA has worked with the Thai government to improve regulation of toxics. In 2012 and 2013, the Thailand Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment (MONRE) participated in mercury monitoring workshops and training hosted by EPA and EPA Taiwan.  A major outcome of this effort was the launch of a cooperative pilot network to monitor atmospheric mercury.  MONRE plans to establish a mercury wet deposition monitoring station in 2014.   

In addition, EPA provides technical expertise to the Working Group on Remediation for Soil and Groundwater Pollution of the Asia-Pacific RegionExit in which Thailand participates.  

EPA has also partnered with Thailand to work on reduction of mercury from medical waste in the past.

Cleaning Up Electronic Waste

Thailand participates in the International E-Waste Management Network (IEMN), which enables environmental officials from around the world to directly exchange best practices related to e-waste management. Through their participation in the IEMN, the Thailand Pollution Control Department has shared its experiences related to e-waste management, learned from officials across the region, and participated in workshops on e-waste management in the U.S. and Taiwan. 

Learn more about the International E-Waste Management Network (IEMN) 

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For additional information about EPA's work with Thailand, contact:
Rakhi Kasat
Office of International and Tribal Affairs (2650R)
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20460
Phone: (202) 564-6600