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Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home - Real Estate Disclosure

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Note: EPA does not require users to discard older versions of the document. EPA encourages users to exhaust their existing stock prior to printing copies of the new version. Users are encouraged to provide a PYF supplement(1 pg, 172 K)  with older versions of PYF in order to ensure that current information is provided

Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home -- color 8 1/2" x 11" (PDF) (Sept 2013)

Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home -- color booklet (PDF) (Sept 2013)

Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home -- black and white 8 1/2" x 11" (PDF) (Sept 2013).
*This version is recommended when printing with a home or office printer.  

Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home -- black and white booklet (PDF) (Sept 2013)

Spanish Translation: Proteja a Su Familia Contra el Plomo en el Hogar (Septiembre de 2013)

Vietnamese Translation: Hãy Bảo Vệ Gia Đình Của Bạn Khỏi Bị Nhiễm Chì Ở Trong Nhà (PDF) (Tháng Chín 2013)

Russian Translation: В Вашем доме: защитите свою семью от свинца (PDF)

Arabic Translation: إحم أسرتك من الرصاص الموجود في بيتك (PDF)

Somali Translation: Badbaa di Qoyska Halista (PDF)

Contact the National Lead Information Center (NLIC) to speak with an information specialist.