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Underground Storage Tanks (USTs)

UST Performance Measures

EPA collects data from states and territories regarding UST performance measures. This data includes information such as the number of active and closed tanks, releases confirmed, cleanups initiated and completed, facilities in compliance with UST requirements, and inspections. The reports below provide data in table format for all states, territories, and Indian country for the reporting period indicated.


State and territory underground storage tank programs report to EPA periodically throughout the year with data on their UST performance, based on measures in the UST And LUST Performance Measures Definitions (PDF) (4 pp, 127 K). EPA compiles the data for all states, territories, and Indian country and makes the data publicly available below.


For assistance with accessibility for the PDFs, please email Sharon Fredericks (fredericks.sharon@epa.gov). For earlier Performance Measures reports, please visit EPA’s Archive.

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