Global Corruption Barometer: citizens’ voices from around the world


Corruption Perceptions Index 2016

No country gets close to a perfect score in this year's index. A vicious cycle has developed between corruption, unequal distribution of power and unequal distribution of wealth.

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Unearthing corruption risks in mining approvals

From resource-rich West Africans nations, to the mining giants of the Pacific and North America, every time a government signs a deal to allow mining of its natural resources there are corruption risks – no matter where that country is.

TI launches Clean Contracting Manifesto, calls for G20 adoption

Governments spend huge sums of money via public procurement every year yet the concentration of money, government discretion and corporate influence in providing these vital good and services makes it particularly vulnerable to corruption. Transparency International has launched a Clean Contracting Manifesto to ensure that the whole lifecycle of public procurement is transparent, accountable, efficient and in the public interest.

Preventing corruption in state-owned enterprises

In many countries public services such as energy, water, transportation and health care are provided by enterprises either controlled or partly-owned by the government. These state-owned enterprises (SOEs) can be vulnerable to corruption. Transparency International researched ways SOEs can combat corruption - check it out here!

Investigative reporting celebrated in Latin America

This month, Transparency International and the Instituto Prensa y Sociedad honoured investigative journalists from El Salvador, Venezuela, Brazil and Panama at the 15th edition of the Latin American Awards for Investigative Journalism for their brave work uncovering corruption and wrongdoing.

Antoine Deltour: LuxLeaks whistleblower’s long legal battle continues

On Thursday 23 November, the High Court of Luxembourg will announce its verdict in the case of Antoine Deltour, the whistleblower who revealed aggressive tax avoidance schemes in Luxembourg by sharing the 'LuxLeaks' documents with journalists in 2014.

Open letter to the President of Equatorial Guinea: Ramon Esono Ebalé must be released

It has been two months since the artist and satirist Ramon Esono Ebalé was detained without charge in Equatorial Guinea. Transparency International joined with 17 organisations and individuals to write to President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo. We are calling for his immediate release.

How the Honduran military and police profit from the illegal arms trade

An investigation by InSight Crime and Transparency International Honduras has found that many of the guns used in homicides in Honduras come from Honduran military and police stockpiles.

#ParadisePapers: time to clean up the offshore financial havens

The ‘Paradise Papers’ show how the rich and powerful around the world are able to avoid paying tax and keep their business dealings secret. The mechanisms they use can also benefit the corrupt, and must be made more transparent.

Uzbekistan: How to support the real victims of grand corruption

What do you do when assets stolen from a country’s state coffers by corrupt individuals have been recovered and can now be returned to the country - but the government is still controlled by corrupt people? That’s the case of Uzbekistan, one of the most corrupt countries in the world.

Entrevista con testigo clave en el Caso Obiang: Delfin Mocache Massoko

En el 27 de octubre 2017, la justicia francesa ha condenado a Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue, vicepresidente de Guinea Ecuatorial, a tres años de cárcel extentos de cumplimiento, una multa de 30 millones de euros (US$35 millones) y confiscó todos sus activos en Francia. Antes de que se anunciara el veredicto, entrevistamos a Delfin Mocache Massoko, un testigo clave en el caso, para descubrir qué significa el juicio para él y los ciudadanos de Guinea Ecuatorial.

Interview with key witness in Obiang case: Delfin Mocache Massoko

Obiang verdict: guilty of corruption.
We interview a key witness for the prosecution, Delfin Mache Mossako.

Public statement about the current electoral situation in Honduras

Transparency International’s chapter in Honduras, the Association for a More Just Society (ASJ), issues the following statements to the people of Honduras, government authorities, political parties, and the international community in light of ongoing events relating to the electoral process in Honduras


The Palestinian Authority should amend laws to protect free speech

Transparency International, the global anti-corruption movement, is deeply concerned about the latest escalation in attacks on media freedom and free speech in Palestine and is calling for the Palestinian Authority (PA) to amend the Electronic Crimes Law and suspend the new requirement for journalists to have security certificates to work.


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